
Monitoring stack emissions: low risk MCPs and specified generators

How to monitor emissions from low risk medium combustion plants (MCPs) and specified generators (SGs). This document was previously known as TGN M5.

Applies to England



This guidance provides a standardised approach to monitoring stack gas emissions from low risk plants regulated under the:

This guidance is for operators of:

  • low risk MCPs and SGs with standard rules permits
  • MCPs and SGs that are not low risk but have a condition in their permit that says they must use this guidance when monitoring compliance with emissions limits

Updates to this page

Published 16 February 2021
Last updated 4 June 2024
  1. Clarified in section 10 'If you are following the monitoring approach in this guidance, you must not exceed a expanded measurement uncertainty of ±20% for nitrogen oxides.' and 'When assessing compliance for nitrogen oxides, we will use a fixed expanded measurement uncertainty of ±20%.

  2. Removed reference to MCPD Help and replaced with MCP Returns.

  3. Certified range multiplier changed from 2.5 to 6.5.

  4. First published.

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