Major accident control regulations (JSP 498)
JSP 498 sets out the Major Accident Control Regulations (MACR) for the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Please note that JSP 498 will be replaced shortly. The content is out of date and no reference or use should be made to any UK legislation quoted in this document.
This document should be used for reference purposes only and should only be used as guidance until replaced. DSA DOSR take no responsibility for the use of these documents.
MACR implements arrangements to achieve results at least as good as those achieved by non-MOD controlled sites which fall within scope of the Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations 1999 (COMAH) as amended. JSP 498 is to be used by all members of the armed forces, civilian employees and others, including contractors.
It does not replace legislative obligations and full reference is to be made to national and international regulation and legislation and where applicable Host Nation COMAH is UK legislation made under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (HSWA) 1974.
It has been developed in response to a European Union (EU) Directive (96/82/EC) as amended by EU Directive (2003/105/EC) under the terms of the European Communities Act 1972 and for technical legal reasons cannot be applied to the military forces or Defence Establishments of Member States. However, the established policy of the Secretary of State where specific exemption from legislation has been given, is that measures will be introduced in MOD to achieve as good as or better results than those demanded by statute.
MACR discharges that policy in the context of prevention of a Major Accident (MA) and the mitigation of consequences to human health and or the environment should one occur. The MACR Competent Authority (CA) (see Chapter 2) is empowered by the Second Permanent Under Secretary (PUS) to introduce and regulate MACR.
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Published 1 March 2018Last updated 22 August 2019 + show all updates
Added a note stating that these publications are out of date and will be replaced.
First published.