Make your nomination for the Democracy Awards 2018
The Award ceremony will take place during National Democracy Week from 2 to 8 July 2018 and the deadline for nominations is 27 May 2018.

We know that individuals and organisations across the UK are working tirelessly to engage people in our democracy. Their work, particularly with under represented groups, has the potential to help people understand their democratic rights and make their voices heard. This exceptional service is not always recognised, but as part of this summer’s festival of democracy, we want to acknowledge the outstanding contributions that so many have made.
Nominating someone for a democracy award
Anyone may nominate any individual, organisation or group working in collaboration. Please read the guidance and complete the form. Completed forms should be emailed to before 5pm Sunday 27 May 2018.
After you nominate someone for a democracy award
You’ll get an acknowledgment - but you may not hear anything else until June 2018. Once nominations have closed, the awards will be sifted by the National Democracy Week team and three finalists will be selected in each category. The National Democracy Week Council will be invited to choose the winner. The Award ceremony will take place during National Democracy Week 2 to 8 July 2018.
Award categories
The National Democracy Week Council and Cabinet Office worked together to determine four award categories:
Young Advocate of the Year Award
This award is for a young person or group of young people aged between 11 and 25 years old who have taken a leadership role in promoting democratic engagement among their peers. Understanding how to make your voice heard is important; sharing this knowledge with those around you is vital. We want to recognise young people who will be our inspiring leaders of tomorrow.
Diversity Champion of the Year Award
This award is for an individual or organisation that has increased diversity in our democratic process and electoral systems. It will recognise an individual or organisation that has supported others to have their say, and will celebrate those who work hard to ensure every member of our society has an equal chance to participate in our democracy.
Changemaker of the Year Award
This award is for an individual or organisation that has driven through change. Setting out to create change is admirable. We want to recognise an individual and/or organisation that has put a new idea forward to increase access to democracy, convinced others of the merit of their idea and affected a real change that benefits the greater good.
Collaboration of the Year Award
This award is for individuals and/or organisations that have come together to reach a shared goal. Collaboration can be complicated, with competing agendas and multiple stakeholders. We want to recognise individuals and organisations that have faced these challenges head on and achieved outstanding results.