Statutory guidance

Manage your fishing effort: Cod in ICES area VIId

Information on the cod long-term plan and landing obligation.



Schedule 11 of the Fisheries Act 2020 amends retained Regulation (EU) 2018/973 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, specifying details of the implementation of the landing obligation in the North Sea as follows:

If you have a historical track record of fishing in the area but have not received a Fishing Authorisation please contact the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Fisheries Management Team on the contact details below. The following rules apply to the carriage and use of regulated gears in British Fishery Limits only in ICES area VIId for the 2022-23 management year (which runs from 1st February 2022 to 31st January 2023). The rules no longer apply in the ICES areas in the North Sea (ICES Area IIa (EU) & IV), West of Scotland (ICES Area Vb (EU) & VIa), and the Irish Sea (ICES Area VIIa) but continue to apply in VIId.

Authorisations issued by the MMO to be present in area VIId with regulated gears will continue to be valid provided the vessel continues to be registered and there are no changes to the licence details.

It is a requirement of your fishing vessel licence that you are compliant to all conditions listed in your licence. Details can be found at Understand your fishing vessel licence

Failure to comply with these rules or any condition of your fishing vessel licence could result in enforcement action in line with the MMO Compliance and Enforcement Strategy, including (where appropriate) prosecution.

It is the responsibility of the vessel licence holder to be aware of changes to licence conditions and you should refer to these rules on a regular basis. In addition, you should be familiar with the relevant UK national legislation governing the carriage and use of regulated gears in area VIId including those given below: To contact effort management: or 0208 2256947

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Published 9 March 2020
Last updated 15 December 2021 show all updates
  1. updates to page in line with year end

  2. First published.

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