Managing accidental rail obstructions by road vehicles (TAL 06/03)
Advice to highway and rail authorities on assessing and planning for risk reduction at sites where roads cross or run alongside railways.
These documents explain how authorities can demonstrate that they have assessed risk and the ways to reduce it at sites where roads cross or run alongside railways.
The traffic advisory leaflet (TAL) provides authorities with an overarching summary of the guidance material available.
The ‘Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles’ booklet explains the need for consistency in assessing rail interfaces with roads.
Proforma spreadsheets have been created to help authorities achieve consistency when scoring sites and mitigation measures.
Updates to this page
The supporting booklet has been updated with guidance for assessing, and mitigating against, the risk of road vehicles damaging a bridge parapet and knocking debris onto the track below.
Guidance updated to provide advice where a converging road adjoining a road running parallel to the highway will have to be assessed. Blank mitigation score sheet also updated.
First published.