Research and analysis

Managing Fishing in Marine Protected Areas: Consultations

To ensure that MMO decisions on managing fishing in marine protected areas are informed by the best available evidence and a wide range of perspectives, MMO regularly seeks views from stakeholders and public. This is undertaken through a range of methods including calls for evidence (for example on MMO assessments of the effects of fishing) and formal consultations (for example on proposed MMO byelaws).


Rocky Reef - Information Sheet

Ocean Quahog - Information Sheet

Fan Mussel - Information Sheet


Managing fishing in MPAs

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is the government’s principal regulator for most activities in English waters, including the management of activities in marine protected areas (MPAs) including the management of fishing in marine protected areas (MPAs) offshore of 6 nautical miles and the management of non-licensable activities in MPAs inshore of 12 nautical miles.

MMO held a formal consultation for Stage 2 MPAs from 17 January 2023 to 28 March 2023. This consultation sought views on a proposed byelaw to manage bottom towed fishing gear in 13 MPAs. This formal consultation followed the call for evidence on the MMO assessment of the impact of bottom towed gears on rock and reef MPA features held from 14 May to 10 July 2022. Consultation documents are accessible via the survey page.

MMO held a call for evidence from 17 January 2023 to 28 March 2023 for Stage 3 MPAs. This sought additional evidence and views on evidence and analysis of the impacts of fishing on seabed features in English MPAs. Call for evidence documents are accessible via the survey page.

MMO will review all the information received during the Stage 3 call for evidence and Stage 2 formal consultation. Updates will be made to management documents where appropriate. Where necessary, MMO will progress the implementation of management measures to ensure these MPAs are protected, whilst ensuring we deliver the appropriate levels of consultation with stakeholders.

Managing fishing in HPMAs

Following the designation of three highly protected marine areas (HPMAs) on 5 July 2023, MMO is proposing specific management measures that will support the recovery of these sites to a more natural state. The three HPMAs are Allonby Bay, North East of Farnes Deep and Dolphin Head.

As part of the byelaw making process marine stakeholders, partner organisations and fishers are being given an opportunity to view and comment on the proposed management measures from 3 August to 14 September 2023.

Managing marine non-licensable activities in MPAs

There are currently no open MMO consultations for managing marine non-licensable activities in MPAs.

You can find out more about the management of marine non-licensable activities in MPAs, including in Studland Bay on our dedicated pages.

Updates to this page

Published 28 October 2020
Last updated 17 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Sandbanks and sediment - Information Sheet added

  2. Fan Mussel & Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna Info Sheet update

  3. Ocean Quahog - Information Sheet (update)

  4. Rocky Reef - Information Sheet - updated

  5. Small amends

  6. Minor updates

  7. Update

  8. Stage 2 and 3 launch

  9. Removal - now using central MMO Privacy Notice

  10. C4E Update

  11. Link changed

  12. 28th March not 20th

  13. Content update

  14. Closing the consultation period

  15. First published.

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