Managing public money
This publication offers guidance on how to handle public funds.
This 2023 version updates the 2021 version, previous versions may be found via the National Archives.
The public, and Parliament acting on their behalf, have a right to expect that funds raised using powers agreed by Parliament will be used for the purposes intended. Public servants have a demanding fiduciary duty to use public money responsibly.
Much of what managing public money requires is just good common sense, or sound financial management. There are also some specific rules and conventions about how certain things are handled, which ensure that policies, programmes and projects work smoothly and serve their intended purposes.
Updates to this page
Updated with the 2023 version.
Template Delegated Authority Letter updated
Managing Public Money updated
Template Delegated Authority Letter added
Annex 2.2, 4.15 and 5.4 updated
Annex 4.15 updated
Updated 'Managing Public Money' document and 2 specimen framework documents added
Updated with revised version of 'Managing Public Money (with annexes)'.
Updated with 'Managing Public Money' and 'Managing Public Money (with annexes)'.
Updated Annex 6.2 in Managing Public Money (including annexes).
Updated template for special severance cases with further guidance on how to complete and return the form.
Removed contact details for Jim Duncan who has since left the post
Updated to reflect several changes to guidance in Annexes. Further details are set out in the 'Dear Accounting Officer' letter dated 8/15.
updated for 2013 version
First published.