Mapping engagement programmes for young people
National engagement programmes for young people aged 16 to 18 year olds (up to 25 year olds for learners with learning difficulties and / or disabilities)
The documents on this page map national engagement programmes for young people aged 16 to 18 year olds (up to 25 year olds for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities). For local engagement programmes please refer to your local authority.
The purpose of the publications is to provide Local Authorities, educational institutions (including secondary schools) and other 16 to19 providers with a summary of the engagement programmes available across England.
The documents detail the main features of each engagement programme and notes whether programmes can be combined for the benefit of participants.
The information has been collated through liaison with the following: Department for Education (DfE), Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG), Youth Justice Board (YJB), Cabinet Office, The Big Lottery fund and the Greater London Authority (GLA).
This information is current at the date of publication - May 2015. EFA will provide quarterly updates and review the value of the information to stakeholders in July 2015.
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Published 7 July 2014Last updated 22 May 2015 + show all updates
Update spreadsheet and attachment have been added
Updated spreadsheet and pdf documents added
Updated documents for mapping engagement programmes for young people
First published.