Physical determinands
Updated 28 November 2024
Specific requirements for the proposed activity, including any additional analysis necessary to characterise sediments will be detailed when you engage with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) before you apply for a marine licence.
1. Visual description
A visual description of the sediment sample must be completed before analysis. This should include details of any evidence of human activity in samples, like paint flecks.
2. Particle size analysis
Particle size analysis (PSA) of sediments can be done by laser or sieving methods and should be expressed as a percentage at 0.5 phi intervals. It is strongly recommended that PSA is completed using standardised methodology produced by the National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control (NMBAQC) scheme (PDF, 2.3MB). Successfully participating in the NMBAQC PSA ring test should be demonstrated as evidence of quality assurance.
3. Dry matter
Sediments may be dried at any temperature between 100°C and 105°C and should be percentage dry weight or total sediments.
4. Organic matter
Inorganic carbon must be removed using sulphurous acid digest. Samples should be analysed for organic carbon content using an elemental analyser and outputs expressed as total organic carbon. Methods must meet limits of detection of 0.03% and limits of quantification of 0.09%.