Get advice on National Insurance if you work offshore
Tell HMRC if you're an offshore worker, seafarer or mariner and get advice about your National Insurance contributions.
You should complete the Offshore Worker’s questionnaire if you are a:
- mariner
- seafarer
- offshore worker
You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form, so we suggest you gather all your information together before you begin to fill it in.
Applying by post
Send your completed questionnaire with copies of any signed contracts and payslips.
Include the following from your discharge book:
- pages 2 and 3
- any pages from the year this questionnaire relates to
Send your documents to the HMRC mariner’s unit:
National Insurance contributions and Employers Office
HM Revenue and Customs
Send your documents even if you do not have your payslips at hand.
If you have any questions about this questionnaire contact the HMRC mariner’s unit.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Updates to this page
The postal address for the HMRC mariner's unit has changed.
Mariner's questionnaire has been removed.
Offshore worker's questionnaire has been added.
Postal address for written correspondence to the Marine National Insurance Contributions unit has changed.
First published.