
Association of Marine Electronic and Radio Colleges Limited (AMERC) privacy information notice

Updated 19 March 2025

This privacy statement explains how the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) use any personal information that we collect about you when you apply for global maritime distress safety system (GMDSS) certification with the Association of Marine Electronic and Radio Colleges Limited (AMERC).

Applications for GMDSS certification are administered on behalf of the MCA, which is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Transport. The MCA is the data controller for the personal data we collect through the services provided by AMERC for the conduct of GMDSS examinations; course approvals, audits and collection of fees.

AMERC oversees the provision and delivery of courses leading to examinations for GMDSS certification. examination Co-ordination centres provide trained examiners to conduct GMDSS examinations at AMERC approved examination venues.

1. What information do we collect about you?

On behalf of the MCA, AMERC collects information about you when apply for a:

  • GMDSS general operators certificate (GOC)
  • GMDSS restricted operators certificate (ROC)
  • GMDSS long range certificate (LRC)
  • GMDSS long range certificate satellite module
  • GMDSS conversion
  • Electronic navigation equipment maintenance certificate
  • GMDSS radio maintenance certificate.

The Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) Regulations 2015 implement the requirements of the International Convention and Code on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) 1978, as amended, including the provisions prescribing the mandatory minimum requirements for certification of radio personnel appointed for distress and safety communication purposes in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Merchant Shipping (Radio Installations) Regulations 1998. The Radio Regulations implement in the UK, Chapter IV of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS).

2. How will we use the information about you?

AMERC will collect information about you when you apply for GMDSS certification. The personal information you provide is processed by AMERC staff in the UK to assess your application and for correspondence purposes. Your information may be used for investigations, complaints, legal claims or important incidents. Audits are undertaken by AMERC and the MCA and your application may be randomly selected during this process.

3. Financial Information

Financial information which you provide to AMERC, such as credit card details will only be used to process your payment for your application and will be destroyed once payment has been authorised.

4. How long we will retain your information

Application forms for GMDSS certification will be held securely for one year by AMERC and will then be destroyed.

Your information will be held electronically for as long as you have a valid certificate of competency (COC). If you have not revalidated your COC and have not returned to sea after 25 years your personal information will be removed from the system.

5. Who we share your information with

After you have successfully undertaken a GMDSS approved course and passed your examination at your chosen examination/course centre, your application form, containing your personal information, will be submitted to AMERC for the processing and issue of your GMDSS Certificate. Your personal information will not be shared with any other parties.