Corporate report

Markets orders and undertakings register

Orders made and undertakings given under the market investigations provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002, and the monopoly provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973.

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CMA markets register

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This page details the orders made and undertakings given under the market investigations provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002, and the monopoly provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973.

They result from reports by:

  • the Competition and Markets Authority
  • the Competition Commission
  • the Monopolies and Mergers Commission
  • the Office of Fair Trading
  • any other sectoral regulator accepting undertakings in lieu of a market investigation reference under the Enterprise Act 2002

Before 1 April 2014 the register was held by the Office of Fair Trading: all entries are incorporated in the CMA register but you can also see the archived Market investigation and monopoly orders and undertakings page.

Updates to this page

Published 31 March 2014

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