
How to complete the combined waste return spreadsheet

Updated 30 August 2024

This page gives guidance on how to complete the combined returns spreadsheet for materials facilities.

Use this with the guidance on:

Entering data in the waste returns spreadsheet

Save the spreadsheet to your device before you complete it.

When entering data into the spreadsheet:

  • enter quantity data, dates, names and addresses by typing in values
  • enter all other information by selecting from the drop-down lists
  • use the drop-down lists wherever they are available so data is accurate and consistent
  • use any available notes at the top right of each column (marked with a red triangle) to guide you

Waste inputs

Supplier details

Complete this section by entering the relevant supplier names and addresses in the form.

Once all the required fields for a supplier are complete, these details are added to the list. They are then available to select from the drop-down list in the ‘Waste Received’ sheet.

Example of supplier details in the spreadsheet

The definition of a supplier is set out in the statutory instrument and guidance on materials facilities: waste sampling and reporting from October 2024.

The information you should enter in the ‘supplier details’ section depends on the waste material. For:

  • kerbside collections, enter the waste collection authority name and address
  • waste that has been transferred from another material facility, enter the name and address of regulated facility that the waste has been transferred from
  • all other waste materials, enter the name and address of the person who collected the material – if you do not know this, enter the name and address of the person responsible for delivering it to the MF

Waste received  

For each entry (row) in this section, you must:

  • select whether it is ‘MF waste material’ by answering ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘MF Transfer’– this will highlight the fields you need to complete in yellow
  • enter a reference number, as this number is used to link a sample to the load or loads it was taken from – this will then be available to select from a drop-down menu in the ‘MF_Input Sample’ sheet
  • enter the date received
  • select the relevant supplier’s name and address

As part of meeting your waste return requirements for regulated sites, for each entry you will also need to provide the details of the:

  • waste origin area
  • EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code
  • DR (disposal or recovery) code
  • state
  • amount

If one supplier provides different waste types (for example, comingled and paper and card) then you should enter separate entries for each material type for that supplier. You should enter multiple entries for the supplier followed by the appropriate EWC code from the drop-down list.

Non-MF waste

For non-MF waste being reported as part of the waste return requirements for regulated facilities, you do not have to provide the following details in the ‘Non-MF waste’ tab:

  • reference
  • date received
  • supplier name and address

These cells will be greyed out.

Example of waste received that is non-MF waste in the spreadsheet

MF input samples

Complete this section by entering data for samples of waste materials received at the facility from each named supplier during each reporting period. You do not need to record information in this section if your MF is not required to sample inputs. You should select from the drop-down menus where available or enter text.

For each entry (row) in this section, you must:

  • choose the correct refence number from the drop-down list which links a particular sample to the load it was taken from
  • enter the date you took the sample
  • enter the weight of the sample in kilograms
  • identify the weight in kilograms of each type of target material, non-target material and non-recyclable material

For each category of target, non-target and non-recyclable materials, you must also:

  • identify and measure the proportion of packaging items (except for glass, unless it is specifically required by the regulator)
  • identify and measure the proportion of drink containers, as a category of packaging, for aluminium, steel or plastic bottles material types

You should enter quantities in kilograms, rounded to 2 decimal places, for the material types identified within the sample.

If the sample contains material particles, you are not expected to separate particles into their relevant category (target, non-target, non-recyclable). Instead, just measure and apportion into the relevant target, non-target, and non-recyclable material fractions. There’s more information on how to do this in the main guidance on materials facilities: waste sampling and reporting from October 2024.

Example scenario: separately collected card and paper

You as the MF operator have identified the following materials as target materials:

  • card and paper
  • plastic pots, tubs and trays only

You have taken a sample weighing 60kg. The sample consists of the following material types:

  • 0.6kg of aluminium – this is considered non-target material – 0.1kg are foil trays and are packaging, 0.5kg are aluminium cans and are drink containers
  • 16kg of paper – this is considered target material – none of this is packaging
  • 39.8kg of card – this is considered target material – all of this is packaging but 0.8kg is contaminated cardboard and therefore non-recyclable
  • 0.2kg of plastic bottles – this is considered non-target material – all of these are drink containers
  • 0.4kg of other material not falling within the listed types – this is considered non-recyclable material – none of this is packaging

You will need to enter the above measurements in the ‘Input_Sample’ sheet. Where no value is required, you can leave this cell blank or enter 0.00.

Example of a ‘MF_Input _Sample’ in the spreadsheet

Definitions in this section

Target material

‘Target material’ means one or more kind of materials identified by you, as the operator of a MF, as destined for:

  • separation from waste material received
  • consolidation to produce bulk quantities of the identified material

Non-target material

‘Non-target material’ means material that may be recyclable but is not identified as a target material by you, the operator of the MF.

Non-recyclable material

‘Non-recyclable material’ means waste material that currently cannot be viably recycled.

Packaging materials

‘Packaging materials’ means any product for containing, handling, delivering and presenting goods. It can include:

  • primary packaging
  • secondary packaging
  • tertiary packaging
  • shipment packaging

Drink containers

‘Drink containers’ means bottles and cans that:

  • are made entirely or mainly from steel, aluminium or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic
  • are made to hold between 50 millilitres and 3 litres of liquid
  • come into direct contact with the drink inside
  • are designed to be airtight and watertight when they’re supplied
  • are not made for reuse or refilling

Waste outputs

Waste destinations

Complete this section by entering the relevant supplier names and addresses in the form. If the destination is:

  • another MF, you must enter the permit number
  • outside the UK, provide the country

Once all the required fields for a supplier are complete, these details are added to the list. They will then be available to select from the drop-down list in the ‘Waste_Removed’ sheet of the form.

Example of destination details in the spreadsheet

Waste removed

The ‘Waste_Removed’ sheet should contain details of all waste that has left your facility during the current quarter. During a given quarter you may take more waste in than what is sent off-site (sometimes referred to as ‘stockpiling’). You must only report in this section the tonnage of waste that is actually removed from the site in the current quarter.

For each entry (row) in this section, you must:

  • select whether it is specified output material, picking the relevant material type and grade listed, ‘other MF waste material’, ‘transfer for reuse or recycling’ or ‘non-MF waste’ – this will highlight the fields you need to complete in yellow
  • enter a reference number for the batch of specified output material – this number is used to link a sample to the batch of specified output material that it was taken from – it will then be available to select from a drop-down menu in the ‘Specified_Outputs_Sample’ sheet (if you have sold specified output material from the same batch to more than one downstream destination, you will need to enter additional lines using the same batch reference)
  • enter the date the waste was removed from the site
  • select the correct destination details

As part of meeting your waste return requirements for regulated sites, for each entry you will also need to provide the details of the:

  • waste origin area
  • EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code
  • DR (disposal or recovery) code
  • state
  • amount

Non-MF waste

For non-MF waste being reported as part of the waste return requirements for regulated facilities, you do not have to provide the following details in the ‘Non-MF waste’ tab:

  • reference
  • date received
  • name and address of supplier

These cells will be greyed out.

Example of waste removed in the spreadsheet

Specified output samples

Complete this section by entering data for samples of specified output material removed from your facility during each reporting period. You do not need to record information in this section if your MF is not required to sample outputs.

For each entry (row) in this section you must:

  • select the relevant reference number for the sample you have taken from the drop-down menu
  • enter the date you took the sample
  • enter total weight in kilograms of the sample
  • identify the weight in kilograms of each type of target material, non-target material and non-recyclable material

For each category of target, non-target and non-recyclable materials, you must also:

  • identify and measure the proportion of packaging items (except for glass unless it is specifically required by the regulator)
  • identify and measure the proportion of drink containers, as a category of packaging, for aluminium, steel or plastic material types

Example scenario: specified output material is paper – newspapers and magazines

You have produced 250 tonnes of paper that you have graded as newspapers and magazines. You will need to sample this waste material at a minimum frequency of once for every 60 tonnes. Therefore, you need to take 4 samples. Your MF also targets cardboard and plastic pots, tubs and trays. The details for the first 3 samples would be as follows.

Sample 1 weighs 55kg and results include:

  • 0.8kg aluminium – all is considered non-target – 0.8kg are cans and are drink containers
  • 53.0kg of paper – all is considered target material – none of this is packaging
  • 1.1kg of plastic – 1.0kg are plastic tubs considered target material and 0.1kg are plastic films considered non-target material – both are packaging
  • 0.1kg of other material not falling within the listed types – all of this is considered non-recyclable and none of this is packaging

Sample 2 weighs 50kg and results include:

  • 1.0kg steel – all is considered non-target – 0.4kg are food cans and is packaging, 0.6kg are steel kitchen utensils and is not packaging
  • 45.0kg of paper – 43.8kg is considered target material, 1.2kg is considered non-recyclable paper – none of this is packaging.
  • 2.8kg of plastic – 2.0kg are plastic tubs and are considered target material, 0.8kg are plastic films and are considered non-target material, both are packaging
  • 1.2kg of other material not falling within the listed types – all of this is considered non-recyclable and none of this is packaging

Sample 3 weighs 51kg and results include:

  • 1kg of glass – all is considered non-target – 1.0kg are bottles and are packaging – the operator would have been given written notice that they are required to sample glass
  • 2.0kg aluminium – all is considered non-target – 0.5kg is foil and is packaging, 1.5kg are cans and are drink containers
  • 48.0kg of paper – all is considered target material – none of this is packaging

You will need to enter the measurements for the above 3 examples in the ‘Specified_Outputs_Samples’ sheet.

If the values for target, non-target and non-recyclable entered in a row are less than 80% or greater than 100% of the sample weight, the cells will be highlighted yellow.

Example of specified output samples in the spreadsheet

MF data summary

The values in the ‘MF data summary’ sheet are calculated based on the information provided in the following sheets:

  • ‘Waste_Received’
  • ‘MF_Input_Samples’
  • ‘Waste_Removed’
  • ‘Specified_Output_Samples’

You must check that the totals presented match your own records and measurements.