
Ffurflen gais Lwfans Mamolaeth

Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon i wneud cais am Lwfans Mamolaeth.

Yn berthnasol i England, Gymru and Scotland


Ffurflen gais Lwfans Mamolaeth

Taflen nodiadau Lwfans Mamolaeth

Cyfrifiannell Cyfnod Prawf


Cael mwy o wybodaeth am gymhwysedd a sut i wneud cais.

Bydd angen i chi gynnwys eich dyddiadau Cyfnod Prawf yn eich ffurflen gais. Eich Cyfnod Prawf yw’r 66 wythnos cyn yr wythnos rydych yn disgwyl cael eich babi. Defnyddiwch y Gyfrifiannell Cyfnod Prawf i ddarganfod y dyddiadau hyn.

Os na allwch lawrlwytho neu argraffu’r ffurflen gais, gallwch ofyn i ffurflen gael ei hanfon atoch.

Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn dim ond ar gael os ydych yn byw yng Nghymru, Lloegr a’r Alban. Mae proses wahanol os ydych yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.

Darganfyddwch sut i ofyn am ffurflen gais yng Ngogledd Iwerddon

Archebwch ffurflen gais

Archebwch ffurflen gais

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 1 October 2013
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 19 April 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated the Maternity Allowance claim form and also the notes sheet for the Maternity Allowance claim form (English and Welsh).

  2. Updated the Test Period tables. They now cover the period from August 2023 to December 2025.

  3. Updated Maternity Allowance claim form and notes sheet for the Maternity Allowance claim form (English and Welsh), with new return address.

  4. Removed the message that there was a problem with the 'order a Maternity Allowance claim form online' service on 7 June 2023.

  5. Added a message that there was a problem with the 'order a Maternity Allowance claim form online' service from 2.45pm until 6.15pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023. We may not have received your request if you ordered a claim form during this time. If you have not received your claim form, please submit a new request.

  6. Corrected the example in the HTML version of the test period table. In the line 'The week that includes the date you expect to have your baby (column 1): 12 February 2021 to 18 February 2023', 12 February 2021 should have been 12 February 2023.

  7. Added new versions of the Maternity Allowance claim forms in English and Welsh.

  8. Added Maternity Allowance - Test Period tables from October 2022 to December 2024 (HTML and PDF) - Welsh.

  9. Added Test Period tables from October 2022 to December 2024 (HTML and PDF).

  10. Added information on how to order a claim form in Northern Ireland.

  11. Added link to the Test Period calculator where you can check your Test Period dates. You must include these dates in your Maternity Allowance application form.

  12. Updated the Test Period table with dates for the week that includes the date you expect to have your baby up to December 2022.

  13. Updated the Test Period table with dates for the week that includes the date you expect to have your baby up to December 2021.

  14. Added accessible version of test period table. It has also been updated following feedback of some incorrect dates.

  15. Added Test Period tables for 2019 to 2020.

  16. Added Test Period tables from 2018 to 2019.

  17. Updated the following forms: 'Notes sheet for the Maternity Allowance claim form' (now dated 12/18), 'Welsh: Lwfans Mamolaeth MA1W' (now dated 05/18), and 'Welsh: Lwfans Mamolaeth taflen nodiadau' (now dated 12/18). Also published a new claim form, 'Welsh: Ffurflen hawlio Lwfans Mamolaeth, gallwch ei llenwi ar y sgrîn ac yna ei hargraffu' (dated 05/18).

  18. Published an English version of the notes sheet, that was previously part of the claim form, as a separate document.

  19. Updated the Welsh version of the Maternity Allowance claim form with new test period tables covering 2018 to 2019.

  20. Updated the English versions of the Maternity Allowance claim form with new test period tables covering 2018 to 2019.

  21. Replaced all 3 versions with March 2016 editions.

  22. Replaced the interactive and print versions of the form with October 2014 editions.

  23. First published.

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