
Measles: information for Children and Young People in the Secure Estate (CYPSE)

Updated 7 June 2024

Applies to England


Information on measles and vaccination:

  • measles outbreaks happen when not enough people have been vaccinated
  • measles can be a very serious disease, leading to ear and chest infections, fits, diarrhoea, and damage to the brain. Measles can kill
  • you are at risk of measles if you haven’t had the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination
  • 2 doses of MMR vaccine are needed to get the best protection
  • if you haven’t had the MMR vaccine, speak to a member of healthcare so you can get it as soon as possible
  • if you don’t know if you’ve had any, 1 or 2 doses of MMR vaccine, healthcare staff will be able to check for you
  • if it’s not clear if you’ve been vaccinated, it’s better to have 2 doses of MMR vaccine now rather than risk being unprotected
  • some people don’t like needles – but don’t let a fear of needles stop you from being protected. It’s a very small needle and a small sharp scratch

Why we are seeing outbreaks of measles

Measles is a highly infectious disease, spreading quickly from person to person, especially in places where children and young people mix together. A child or young person with measles will infect almost all unprotected people they have contact with.

Since 2017 there has been an increase in measles globally which has affected the UK, especially in places where lots of people haven’t been vaccinated.

Side effects of vaccination

You may get some symptoms of measles, mumps and rubella for up to 6 weeks after the vaccination but in a very much milder form. This proves that the vaccine is working and you are building up resistance to future contact with the viruses that cause the 3 diseases. Not all people show these symptoms but that doesn’t mean the vaccine isn’t working.

Further information

For more information on measles speak to the healthcare team.

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