
Post-market surveillance requirements for medical devices: summary of main changes

Published 15 January 2025

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

The Medical Devices (Post-market Surveillance Requirements) (Amendment) (Great Britain) Regulations 2024  

Summary of main changes introduced with the statutory instrument (SI) and associated guidance 

Section of the guidance Regulation of the SI Change introduced with the SI/associated guidance compared to prior regulation/associated guidance Requirement applies to:
B b) 44ZC Definition of the Post-Market Surveillance Period Manufacturer
B d), & D c) 44ZC Definition for reportable side-effects Manufacturer
B d), & D c) 44ZC Clarification that interventions to prevent serious deterioration in health include self-administered treatment Manufacturer
C 44ZF Requirement for a PMS plan now mandatory within the regulations Manufacturer
C a) (i) 44ZF Clarification that feedback should include patient and public engagement. Manufacturer
C b) (i) 44ZG 2 Requirement to inform the UK RP and AB (where have one) of all preventive and corrective actions taken to address a risk or non-conformity compromising the performance or safety of the device Manufacturer
C b) (i) 44ZG 3 AB to review CAPA for impact on certification Approved Body
C c) 44ZL and 44ZM Provision of PMSR or PSUR to MHRA on request within 3 working days Manufacturer
C c) (i) 44ZL and 44ZM Timing of requirement to prepare first PMSR, and to update at least every 3 years Manufacturer
C c) (ii) 44ZL and 44ZM Preparation of a PSUR to a standardised format, updated at set intervals Manufacturer
C c) (ii) 2 44ZL and 44ZM Submission of PSUR to approved Body Manufacturer
C c) (ii) 2 44ZL and 44ZM AB to review PSUR for any impact on device certification Approved Body
C c) (ii) 2 44ZL and 44ZM AB to prepare a report on review of PSUR for certain device classifications Approved Body
D c) 44ZC Serious deterioration in health need not have occurred for a use error to be reportable, just the risk it could occur. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D d) 44ZH(3)(b) 15 days to report anticipated serious deterioration in health (was 30). Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D f) 44ZH(2)(d) Inclusion of UDI (where available) within the incident report Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D g) & D j) 44ZI(3)(b) 44ZJ(8) Provide MHRA within 3 working days any information requested relating to an ongoing incident investigation or FSCA. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D g) 44ZI(3)(c) Detailed requirements on commencement of destructive device testing following notification to MHRA of intention to do so. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D g) 44ZO Detailed requirements on action in response to notification of an incident by MHRA Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D g) 44ZP(2) Investigation and reporting in response to risk or safety concern MHRA brings to manufacturer’s attention Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D i) 44ZN(1) Trend reports should be submitted for incidents which are reportable individually, as well as those which do not meet the criteria for individual reporting Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D i) 44ZN(5) Detailed requirements for information to be included within a Trend report.  Note UDI field not visible yet. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D i) 44ZD(2) Trend reports are not required for custom-made devices Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D j) 44ZJ(1) and (3) Requirement to submit proposed FSN to MHRA prior to sharing with customers. And detailed requirements on subsequent timing of distribution to affected customers. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D j) 44ZJ(6)(a) The FSN must contain UDI information where available and must be sent in a searchable format. Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI
D j) 44ZK(1) If the manufacturer is undertaking FSCA outside Great Britain and the same type of devices are supplied in Great Britain but are not affected, they must notify MHRA Manufacturer or delegated to UK Responsible Person (UKRP) or Authorised Rep for NI