Medworth Energy from Waste CHP facility: development consent order Planning Act 2008
Decision on an application for an onshore energy from waste combined heat and power generating station.
Applies to England
Decision by the Secretary of State on an application by Medworth CHP Limited for an onshore energy from waste combined heat and power (CHP) facility generating station, housing many development elements including:
- the main energy from waste (EfW) facility (with an electrical output of up to 55 megawatts)
- a CHP connection allowing for the export of steam and electricity from the EfW CHP facility to surrounding business users via dedicated pipelines and private wire cables
- a new 132 kilovolt (kV) underground electricity cable connection into a new Walsoken Substation, connecting the existing substation infrastructure at the Walsoken DNO Substation, providing the electrical connection point to the National Grid and allowing the import and export of electricity to and from the facility
Date of decision
20 February 2024
Company / location
Medworth CHP Limited (parent company is MVV) across Fenland District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council Cambridgeshire $A
Type of project
Development consent order for energy from waste combined heat and power project under the Planning Act 2008.
Maximum output
55 GW