DSA - Peer Review Group Minutes - Thursday, 13 July 2023 (HTML)
Updated 28 January 2025
- Sue Bateman - CDDO (Chair) Alice Mountfort - DCMS
- Allan Jamieson - OS
- Amy S - NCSC
- Andrew Newman - ODI
- Aravindhan Rajasekar - Cabinet Office Balint Csollei - National Archive
- Becky Russell - Environment Agency Claire Bell - ONS
- Hiran Basnayake - HMRC James M - NCSC
- James Hutchings - Dept For Transport Jonathan Tiplady - MoJ
- Laura Payne - ONS Matt Donnelly - CDDO Matthew Webber - RPA
- Michal Poreba - Dept of Trade
- Megan Clokey - DCMS
- Neil Cholerton - Home Office Owen Evans - DWP
- Paul Davidson - Somerset CC Sarah Al Adely - Dept For Transport Shona Nichol - Scottish Government Simon Gardner - DWP
- Simon Jones - DoJ Tejinder Manik - DfE
Observers and speakers
- Firoze Salim - CDDO
- Didac Fabregas-Badosa - CDDO Scott Kilbey - ONS
- Suzanne Fry - CDDO Jennifer Guest - FRC Thomas Toomse-Smith - FRC
- Ian Manson - CDDO (Secretariat)
Ref No: | Action | Owner | Deadline |
July13/01 | PRG members were asked for contact with the FRC for any comments or interest in their work. | Members | - |
July13/02 | PRG members were asked to contact Didac Fabregas-Badosa for any additional interest in the vulnerabilities working group. | Members | 11/08/2023 |
July13/03 | PRG members were asked to contact Suzanne Fry to express interest or representation in either the Taxonomies Oversight group or the reference and masterdata working group | Members | 22/08/2023 |
July13/04 | Andrew Newman of the ODI welcomed contact from PRG members interested in Open Referral. | Members | 22/08/2023 |
Record of discussions
1. Chair welcome and introductions
Sue Bateman - CDDO
- The chair introduced the agenda and welcomed attendees.
2. CODEx project and taxonomies
Thomas Toomse-Smith, Jennifer Guest - Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
- Thomas Toomse-Smith and Jennifer Guest from the Financial Reporting Council gave a presentation on the role of the Council and the work they are currently undertaking on taxonomies to enable corporate reporting standards in digital form through the CODEX project. A draft version will be released shortly and FRC would welcome any comments or review.
- Aravindhan Rajesekar (Cabinet Office) welcomed the work done by the FRC, outlined work in the Cabinet Office on a performance framework and will contact FRC to consider any alignment that could be beneficial.
3. ESDA and Data Ownership - Update
Firoze Salim - CDDO
- Firoze Salim (CDDO) reported on progress with the Working Group and departmental engagement on ESDA’s and Data Ownership. The insights from this engagement will be incorporated in the artefacts and will be presented back to PRG as the program progresses with its Alpha testing.
- Chair commented that a paper will be put to the Chief Data Officer Council next meeting, 27th July, and thanked the members for their positive collaborative involvement to-date.
4. Vulnerabilities Working Group Update
Didac Fabregas-Badosa - CDDO
- Didac Fabregas-Badosa (CDDO) provided an update on establishing a
cross-government working group to identify and propose common data standards to support the identification and multi-agency provision of services to support a wide range of vulnerabilities. The first meeting, 20th July, will establish the working dynamics of the group and has commitment from a wide range of departments. Didac welcomes further interest from other departments and representation in this working group.
5. Taxonomies Oversight Group - Update
Suzanne Fry - CDDO
- Suzanne Fry (CDDO) gave an update on the planned work and progress of the Taxonomies Oversight Group. ONS is providing some business analyst time to review and make recommendations to enhance the group’s operating model. This will be presented to PRG for discussion. There is a wider workstream progressing in CDDO on reference and masterdata which has an active working group which is establishing best practice guidance. Suzanne welcomes further interest and representation in both the Taxonomies Oversight group and the reference and masterdata working group.
- Michal Poreba (Department for Trade) wished to express his department’s interest in the masterdata group and will contact Suzanne post-meeting.
6. DataConnect23 - Update
Scott Kilbey - ONS
- Scott Kilbey (ONS) confirmed the dates of DataConnect23 as between the 25th and 29th of September. Following the successful launch day in May there has been a busy engagement period establishing sessions for the event. A mailing list for the event is available for sign-up and a request to reserve time in your diaries to attend sessions in September once the schedule is published.
7. AOB and Close
- Andrew Newman (ODI) provided information on a round table held by ODI with Open Referral UK and other representative organisations (including central and local government) looking at how to support broader adoption of the Open Referral standard. A meeting is being arranged for September to progress this and they are looking for representation and would welcome contact, some key departments are already engaged with this initiative.
- Note the PRG meeting scheduled for 27th July has been cancelled.
Meeting closed
Next meeting: 15:00 - 22nd August 2023