Mental Health Act 1983: patient information leaflets
Information leaflets for patients who have been brought to hospital by a police officer under section 135 or 136 of the Mental Health Act.
The leaflets are designed to help hospitals and local social services authorities (LSSAs) provide written information to patients who have been detained under section 135 or 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
The leaflets explain to the person:
- why they are in hospital
- what to expect during this section
- their rights
- what could happen afterwards
The leaflets contain form fields for healthcare professionals to enter the expiry date and time of the patient’s detention.
The leaflets are non-statutory and hospitals or LSSAs are not obliged to use them. It is no longer possible to purchase hard copies of these leaflets through the NHS Forms Contract.
Where there is a demonstrated local need, the Department of Health and Social Care encourages hospitals and LSSAs to provide the information in other languages.