Merger notice forms
Forms for businesses to use to notify the CMA of an anticipated or completed merger.
If you decide to notify your merger, you should contact the Competition and Markets Authority by firstly completing the merger case team allocation request form.
The CMA will then discuss the information that should be provided in the merger notice form with you. You should then notify CMA by either:
- using the attached notice template or
- providing a submission in a written format, accompanied by an annotated version of the notice template noting where in the submission the questions have been addressed
Updated to reflect changes to the mergers regime brought about by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024.
Any merger which qualifies for reference for a phase 2 investigation is subject to a fee irrespective of whether a reference is made. Merger fees are payable to the CMA. Further information is available from How to notify the CMA of a merger.
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect changes to the mergers regime brought about by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024.
Updated merger notice form published.
Details on how to provide documents to the CMA updated.
Case team allocation form updated.
Amended merger notice template at paragraph 20 to include reference to a new template for recording documents submitted to the CMA and added information on how documents should be submitted.
Revised merger notice template published.
First published.