
MGN 319 (M+F) Amendment 1 acceptance of electronic chart plotting systems for fishing vessels under 24 metres and small vessels in commercial use (code boats) up to 24 metres load line length

Published 20 March 2023

This guidance was withdrawn on


The MCA will accept electronic chart plotting systems complying with the specifications developed by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SFIA).

Manufacturers, or their agents, will be required to provide a signed statement, a certified copy of which must be kept on board the vessel.

To satisfy the statutory requirements vessels must comply with these standards, including the provision of suitable back up arrangements which are provided in outline.

Electronic chart plotting systems conforming to the SFIA specifications are not a substitute for approved Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and they are not accepted for use other than prescribed in this notice.

1. Introduction/background

1.1 There is widespread use of chart plotting systems using privately produced electronic chart data. Such systems do not satisfy the international carriage requirements for charts. Nonetheless, it is in the interest of navigational safety that mariners are able to maximise the benefits obtained from modern electronic systems.

1.2 HM Treasury has funded a project, with the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SFIA) as the lead authority, for the development of technical specifications for an electronic chart system.

1.3 This would primarily be for use on UK-registered fishing vessels under 24m in length. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) takes the view that this specification is also suitable for various small vessels in commercial use (Code Vessels) up to 24 metres load line length.

2. Carriage Requirements

2.1 The chart carriage requirements are specified in the following documents, or any document amending or replacing them:

a) Fishing vessels - Merchant Shipping Notice No. 1872(F) The Code of Safe Working Practices for the Construction and Use of Fishing Vessels of 15m Length Overall to less that 24m Registered Length (Amendment 1) – Section 9.5.

b) Small Vessels in Commercial Use - Code of Practice for sport or pleasure, workboat and pilot boats (MGN 280) – Section 19.

c) The Safety of Small Workboats and Pilot Boats – A Code of Practice (as amended).

3. The Acceptance Process

3.1 To meet any statutory chart carriage requirements for under 24m fishing vessels and small commercial vessels, the MCA will accept electronic chart plotting systems complying with the specifications developed by SFIA. Copies of the specifications are available from:, or

Seafish, 18 Logie Mill, Logie Green Rd, Edinburgh, EH7 4HS.

4. Satisfying Statutory Requirements

4.1 To identify acceptable systems, manufacturers, or their agents, will be required to provide a signed statement to be included with each electronic chart plotting system stating that the system fully conforms to the SFIA technical specification. This statement, or a certified copy, must be kept on board the vessel.

4.2 As proof that onboard equipment is manufactured to the SFIA specification, MCA Surveyors may ask to see it during surveys or inspections. MCA Surveyors may also require verification that the electronic chart plotting system is being used with suitable Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs). If, ENCs have not been published by the National Hydrographic Office for a specific geographical area, then approved Raster Navigational Charts (RNCs) may be used for the intended areas of operation. In either case, charts must be kept up-to date.

4.3 To satisfy the statutory requirements, vessels must comply with these standards, including the provision of suitable backup arrangements.

5. Backup Arrangements

5.1 Details of acceptable backup arrangements are contained in the SFIA specifications. In outline these are: -

a) a second acceptable Electronic Chart Plotting System; or

b) a portable computer or similar device which will provide sufficient up-to-date electronic navigational chart information and navigation facilities for the vessel to navigate to a safe haven; or

c) a selection of paper charts, corrected up-to-date, sufficient for the vessel to navigate to a safe haven.

6. Training

6.1 It is strongly recommended that generic training on Electronic Chart Systems, and specific familiarisation on the type of equipment fitted in the vessel, should be undertaken by the Master and any other crew member responsible for navigation.

7. Systems found not to be in compliance with the SFIA specifications

7.1 These fall in to two categories: -

a) Systems supplied that are subsequently found not to be in compliance with the SFIA specification, as declared by the supplier and/or system manufacturer.

b) Systems that are found on survey or inspection not to display correctly the ENCs and/or RNCs of the intended areas, or such charts have not been kept corrected and up-to-date, or the system is using unofficial electronic charts that have not been authorised or issued by the National Hydrographic Office.

8. Caution

8.1 Users of these systems should note the following points:

a) Whilst there is a statutory requirement for under 24m fishing vessels and small vessels in commercial service to carry “charts”, there is no statutory requirement for the carriage of electronic chart systems;

b) Electronic chart plotting systems conforming to the SFIA specifications are not a substitute for approved Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and they are not accepted for use other than as prescribed in this notice;

c) Only electronic charts (ENCs or RNCs) authorised or issued by / or on the authority of a Government, authorised Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution, are acceptable for use in such systems to satisfy statutory carriage requirements.

More information

Technical Services Navigation
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Bay 2/24
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG

Telephone: +44 (0)203 817 2000



Please note that all addresses and telephone numbers are correct at time of publishing.