
Annex 2: minimum general requirements concerning signboards

Published 12 September 2024

1. Intrinsic features

1.1 The shape and colours of signboards are set out in Section 3, in accordance with their specific object (signboards indicating a prohibition, a warning, a mandatory action, an escape route, an emergency or firefighting equipment).

1.2 Pictograms must be as simple as possible and should contain only essential details.

1.3 The pictograms used may be slightly different from or more detailed than those shown in Section 3, provided that they convey the same meaning and that no difference of adaptation obscures the meaning.

1.4 Signboards are to be made of shock and weather resistant material suitable for the surrounding environment.

1.5 The dimensions and colorimetric and photometric features of the signboards must be such that they can easily seen and understood.

2. Conditions of use

2.1 Signboards are in principle to be installed at a suitable height and in any position appropriate to the line of sight, taking account of any obstacles, either at the access point to an area in the case of a general hazard or object in a well-lit and easily accessible and visible location.

2.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of Directive 89/654/EEC, phosphorescent colours, reflective materials or artificial lighting should be used where the level of natural light is poor.

2.3 The signboard must be removed when the situation to which it refers ceases to exist.

3. Signboards to be used

3.1 Prohibitory signs

Intrinsic features:

  • round shape
  • black pictogram on white background, red edging and diagonal line (the red part to take up at least 35% of the area of the sign.)

3.1.1 Signs to be used

Eight round prohibitory signs, featuring a red circle with a red line through it and an image inside, indicating (from top left to right) no smoking, smoking and naked flames forbidden, no access for pedestrians, no not extinguish with water, not drinkable, no access to for unauthorised personnel, no access for industrial vehicles and do not touch.

3.2 Warning signs

Intrinsic features:

  • triangular shape
  • black pictogram on a yellow background with black edging (the yellow part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign)

3.2.1 Signs to be used

Seventeen triangular yellow signs, with a black border with an image inside indicating (from top left), toxic material, corrosive material, radioactive material, overhead load, industrial vehicles, danger electricity, laser beam, oxidant material, non-ionising radiation, strong magnetic field, obstacles, drop, biological risk, low temperature, general danger, flammable or high temperature, explosive material.

General danger sign

This warning sign shall not be used to warn about hazardous chemical substances or mixture, except for cases when the warning sign is used in accordance with the second point of section 5 in annex 3.

Biological risk sign

Pictogram laid down in Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 on the protection of workers from the risks related to biological agents at work (seventh individual Directive within the meaning of the article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC OJ No. 1374, 31.12.1990, p1.

3.3 Mandatory signs

Intrinsic features:

  • round shape
  • white pictogram on a blue background (the blue part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign)

3.3.1 Signs to be used

Eleven round blue signs, with a white border with an image inside indicating what safety equipment must be worn. From top left, eye protection, safety helmet, ear protection, respiratory equipment, safety boots, safety gloves, safety overalls, face protection, safety harness, pedestrians on this rout, general mandatory sign (to be accompanied where necessary by another sign).

3.4 Emergency escape or first aid signs

Intrinsic features:

  • rectangular or square in shape
  • white pictogram on a green background (the green part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign)

3.4.1 Signs to be used

Seven green rectangular signs with a white border indicating the direction of an escape route.

3.4.2 Supplementary “this way” signs for emergencies or escape routes

Care should be taken that “this way” arrows for emergency equipment location (red background directions arrows) are not in contradiction with escape direction.

Four green signs with a white border featuring white arrows pointing (from left) down, up, right and left. First aid

Five green square signs with a white border featuring a white image, indicating (from left), first aid post, stretcher, safety shower, eyewash, emergency telephone for first aid or escape.

3.5 Firefighting signs

Intrinsic features:

  • rectangular or square in shape
  • white pictogram on a red background (the red part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign)

3.5.1 Signs to be used

Four red square fire warning signs, with a white border and white image, indicating (from left) fire extinguisher, fire ladder, fire hose, and emergency fire telephone.

3.5.2 Supplementary “This way” signs for firefighting equipment

Care should be taken that the use of arrows to indicate the direction to emergency equipment cannot be confused with direction of escape (green background direction arrows) and should not be in contradiction. If there is a risk that confusion may arise, it should be considered whether these signs should be used.

Four red square signs with a white border and white arrow pointing (from left) down, up, right and left.