
Annex 3: minimum requirements governing signs on containers and pipes

Published 12 September 2024

  1. 1. Containers used at work for chemicals or mixtures and containers used for the storage of hazardous substances or mixtures together with visible pipes containing or transporting such hazardous substances or materials must be labelled with the relevant hazard pictogram in accordance with that Regulation.

  2. Paragraph 1 does not apply to containers used at work for brief periods nor to containers whose contents change frequently, provided that alternative adequate measures are taken, in particular for information and or training, which guarantee the same level of protection.

  3. The labels referred to in paragraph 1 may be:

    1. • replaced by warning signs as provided for in annex 2, using the same pictograms or symbols. If there is no equivalent warning sign in annex 2 the relevant hazard pictogram set out in annex 5 of Regulation No. 1272/2008 must be used

    2. • supplemented by additional information, such as the name and or formula of the hazardous substance or mixture and the details of the hazard

    3. • for the transporting of containers at the place of work, supplemented or replaced by signs applicable throughout the EU for the transport of hazardous substances or mixtures.

  4. 2. Signs must be mounted as follows:

    1. • on the visible side(s)

    2. • in unpliable, self-adhesive or painted form.

  5. 3. Where appropriate, the signs referred to in Section 1 of this annex must have the intrinsic features defined in Section 1.4 of annex 2 and must fulfil the conditions of use for signboards laid down in Section 2 of annex 2.

  6. 4. Without prejudice to Sections 1, 2 and 3 the labels used on pipes must be positioned visibly in the vicinity of the most dangerous points, such as valves and joints, and at reasonable intervals.

  7. 5. Areas, rooms or enclosures used for the storage of significant quantities of dangerous substances and mixtures must be indicated by a suitable warning sign taken from Section 2 of annex 2, or marked as provide din Section 1 of annex 3, unless the labelling of individual packages or containers is adequate for this purpose, taking into account annex 2 point 1.5 with regard to dimensions.

  8. 6. Stores of a number of hazardous substances or mixtures may be indicated by the warning sign for general danger.

  9. 7. The signs or labels referred to above must be positioned, as appropriate, near the storage area or on the door leading into the storage room.