Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV): testing
Explains the process for both primary and confirmatory testing of human samples for MERS-CoV testing, when MERS is being considered as a diagnosis.
Applies to England
This document provides advice for health professionals and diagnostic laboratories on:
- deciding whether testing is indicated
- in-hours and out-of-hours notifications required for a possible case
- primary testing and confirmatory testing arrangements for MERS-CoV in England
- how to request confirmatory testing and how to send samples to the Respiratory Virus Unit
- links to information on required public health actions
- reporting of confirmatory MERS-CoV results
- referral of further specimens from confirmed MERS cases
This document provides advice for health professionals on:
- what samples to send to designated UK Health Security Agency testing laboratories or other testing laboratories
- how to collect and send samples for primary diagnostic testing
- public health notifications and laboratory reporting requirements