April 2024 Migration Advisory Committee meeting minutes
Updated 31 January 2025
Migration Advisory Committee
2nd Floor, Peel Building NE
2 Marsham Street
174th meeting of Migration Advisory Committee: minutes
Friday 12th April 2024 10:00 to 12:30
Virtual conference
Professor Brian Bell
Professor Dina Kiwan
Professor Sergi Pardos-Prado
Dr Madeleine Sumption
Professor Jo Swaffield
Claire Smith
Holly White
MAC Secretariat
Sir Steve Smith
Revealing Reality
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome and introductions
Brian Bell opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. This included specifically welcoming Sir Steve Smith, and a new member of staff who has recently taken up a post in the MAC Secretariat.
Agenda Item 2 – Graduate Route research findings – Revealing Reality
Revealing Reality (RR) representatives presented on their work so far in undertaking interviews with Graduate Route users (32 completed, and 3 more scheduled, on track to meet a total of 40). The presentation covered a range of emerging findings. Following the presentation Committee members asked a range of questions for clarification covering themes of discrimination; gender differences; length of time on graduate route since graduation; levels of employment; employment in the care sector specifically; self-employment.
Brian thanked RR for their presentation. RR representatives left the meeting upon the conclusion of this item.
Agenda Item 3 – Graduate Route discussion with Sir Steve Smith
Brian reiterated the welcome to Sir Steve Smith, and formally thanked Sir Steve for his input into the MAC’s rapid review of the Graduate Route so far. Sir Steve set out his role as UK Government’s ‘International Education Champion.’ and briefed the Committee on a range of issues that currently impact the UK Education sector with specific reference to recruitment of international students.
Following the briefing Brian invited the Committee to ask questions. Committee participated in a range of discussion to inform deliberations about areas for inclusion in the report to be published.
Brian thanked Sir Steve Smith for the briefing. Sir Steve Smith left the meeting upon completion of this item.
Agenda Item 4 – Graduate Route evidence pack
A member of the Secretariat presented a summary of the evidence that has been collated so far for inclusion in the MAC’s forthcoming report on the Graduate Route. Committee members were invited to share comments and seek clarification on any inclusions & omissions. Discussion took place concerning data and issues such as dependants; geographic spread; switching from the graduate route to the skilled worker route etc
Agenda Item 5 – Graduate Route conflicts of interest statement
A member of the Secretariat presented a revised version of a Conflicts of Interest statement. Committee gave feedback. It was agreed that it would be revised further to take on board points raised and ensure maximum transparency concerning Committee members professional interests.
Agenda Item 6 – Home Office, MAC Secretariat and MAC updates, plus minutes from previous meeting
Claire Smith provided an update on Home Office business including considering how the Home Office will consider recommendations the MAC makes concerning the Graduate Route. The Home Office is also liaising with DEFRA concerns about shortages of Meat Inspectors and Vets. Brian sought clarity on when the MAC is likely to be commissioned to carry out a full review of the Immigration Salary List (ISL).
Holly White informed the audience that all Committee re-appointments are now confirmed, with a news story due to be published on the MAC website. Holly White advised that in addition to the Secretariat working on the Graduate Route review, work is on-going on the Seasonal Worker review.
Brian briefed the audience on his meeting with the Scottish Higher Education Minister.
Brian Bell thanked Committee members for making time to engage in all of the stakeholder consultation events related to the MAC’s review of the graduate route. Brian extended his and the Committee’s thanks to the Secretariat staff for their work to deliver this rapid review.
Agenda Item 7 – AOB
None noted.