September 2024 Migration Advisory Committee meeting minutes
Updated 31 January 2025
Migration Advisory Committee
2nd Floor, Peel Building NE
2 Marsham Street
179th meeting of Migration Advisory Committee: minutes
Friday 27th September 2024, 11:00 - 14:00
In person conference
Professor Brian Bell
Professor Dina Kiwan
Professor Sergi Pardos-Prado
Dr Madeleine Sumption
Professor Jo Swaffield
Claire Smith
Holly White
MAC Secretariat
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome and introductions
Brian Bell opened the meeting and introduced new Secretariat members.
Agenda Item 2 – Home Office, MAC Secretariat and MAC updates
Claire Smith updated on discussion surrounding the link up between the MAC and Skills England. It was noted that the Government is still working on its response to the MAC Seasonal Worker review.
Holly White gave an update on resourcing in the MAC Secretariat and Committee in light of new commissions. Holly shared that the MAC had now received the commissioning letter for the Family visa financial requirements review, and that the Call for Evidence had been published on the MAC website.
Brian Bell reported on communications with the interim chair of Skills England, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and stakeholders from the engineering and IT sectors.
Agenda item 3 – IT/engineering review – report skeleton
A member of the Secretariat shared a proposed outline for the Sectors review report. The Committee gave feedback on the content included and suggested areas for further exploration.
Agenda item 4 – IT/engineering review – data and international comparisons
A member of the Secretariat shared an overview of available data in relation to IT and Engineering sectors. The Committee discussed the data sources, the analysis approach and prioritisation of next steps. Committee shared ideas for alternative data sources and further analysis to be undertaken, especially in relation to skills shortages.
Agenda item 5 – IT/engineering review – focus group approach
A member of the Secretariat outlined the focus group approach for the IT and Engineering commission. The Committee discussed resourcing the suggested methodology, the sampling approach and how to engage with stakeholders. Committee members suggested possible contacts in the sectors.
Agenda item 6 – Family visa financial requirements review – definitions, data and research
Members of the Secretariat and the Committee discussed definitions related to the Family visa financial requirements and the MAC’s approach going forwards. The availability of data and potential gaps in information were outlined by a member of the Secretariat. Committee then explored technical issues and data sources. Research options for the review were discussed.
Agenda item 7 – Family visa financial requirements review – international comparisons
A member of the Secretariat outlined the current proposal for internal comparisons analysis as part of the Family visa financial requirements review. Committee agreed to include an international comparisons section and made suggestions for how to frame this analysis.
Agenda item 8 – Annual Report: Occupations chapter
A member of the Secretariat presented analysis options for the occupations annual report chapter. Committee suggested an alternative approach, and definitions, to take forward.
Agenda item 10 – AOB
The Committee discussed the gifts and hospitality policy for MAC members.