MIN 600 Ships captains medical guide 23rd edition
How to obtain the manual which gives medical guidance for (non-doctors) working on board a ship. The 23rd edition, is the most up-to-date and complete.
This MIN outlines the details of how to obtain the 23rd edition of the ships captains medical guide.
The MIN will be available in due course.
Over view
The manual is written for laymen (non-doctors) working on board a ship. It contains a wide range of authoritative advice and will help you:
assess and treat injuries
diagnose and treat illness
on journeys where you won’t have quick access to professional medical advice
Medical stores to carry on a UK flag ship
For information on:
the use
potential side effects
associated with the medical stores, download merchant shipping notice MSN) 1768 and its list of corrections corrigendum)
Both contain essential information, so it’s a good idea to have them both saved or printed out to keep with the medical guide.