Ministry of Defence Framework Library (list of purchasing agreements)
Information on key purchasing agreements to raise awareness about opportunities to do business with Defence.
A framework agreement is an agreement with a provider that set out terms and conditions under which agreements for specific purchases (known as call-off contracts) can be made throughout the term of the agreement.
The Ministry of Defence published Opportunity and Innovation: the Defence Small-and-Medium-Sized-Enterprise Action Plan in January 2022. The plan contains specific commitments that will help improve the way Defence works with smaller businesses, by overcoming barriers and improving access to opportunities to do business with Defence.
As part of this work, MOD has committed to providing information on key framework agreements.
Information about Framework Agreements operated by the Ministry of Defence can be found in the documents on this page.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Frameworks remain the preferred delivery agent and first port of call for buying Common Goods and Services.
A list of CCS Framework Agreements
Information about Framework Agreements used by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory