Corporate report

Ministry of Defence Votes A: 2025 to 2026

Published 11 February 2025

Presented to the House of Commons by the Secretary of State for Defence by Command of His Majesty

Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 11 February 2025

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1. Ministry of Defence Votes A 2025-26

These Votes A seek Parliamentary authority for the maximum numbers of personnel to be maintained for service with the Armed Forces during the year ending 31st March 2026. These numbers do not constitute the Strength of the Armed Forces, which is published separately in the UK Armed Forces Quarterly Service Personnel Statistics. Other Ministry of Defence Requests for Resources appear as Supply Estimates.

Ministry of Defence

The Rt Hon John Healey MP

11 February 2025

2. Vote A (Navy) I: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for the Service in the Regular Naval and Marine Forces

Thirty-nine thousand, Eight hundred and fifty (39,850)

2024-2025 2025-2026
Officers Men and Women Total   Officers Men and Women Total
7,000 24,350 31,350 Royal Navy 7,200 24,350 31,550
1,100 7,200 8,300 Royal Marines 1,100 7,200 8,300
8,100 31,550 39,650 Total 8,300 31,550 39,850

2.1 Notes

  1. This Table of the Vote fixes the maximum number of officers, men and women of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, including those on terminal leave, who may be maintained for naval service at any time during the year.

  2. The maximum number includes a margin of 10% to cover unforeseen contingencies.

  3. The number includes personnel on loan service with government departments or other governments and personnel serving in international defence organisations.

  4. Naval service does not have officers designate.

3. Vote A (Navy) II: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service in the Reserve Naval and Marines Forces

(excluding those to be maintained as special members of these forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996)

Twenty-three thousand, four hundred and twenty (23,420)

Officers Men and Women Total
Royal Fleet Reserve (naval officers and ratings) 4,960 9,000 13,960
Royal Fleet Reserve (marine officers and marines) 470 2,610 3,080
Royal Naval Reserve 1,500 2,300 3,800
Royal Marines Reserve 120 1,250 1,370
Royal Naval Reserve (List 7) 1,210 - 1,210
Total 8,260 15,160 23,420

3.1 Notes

  1. Those maintained on List 7 of the Royal Naval Reserve include Royal Naval Reserve temporary officers recruited to assist with University Royal Naval Units (URNUs), URNU undergraduates and members of the Defence Technical Undergraduate Scheme (DTUS). List 7 personnel do not have a call out liability.

  2. The Reserve Forces Act 1996 introduced three new categories of the Reservist: Full-Time Reserve Service, Additional Duties Commitment and High Readiness Reserve. The following notes detail the maxima of personnel in these categories. These maxima are included in the totals shown in Table II above:

3. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be in full-time service under section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as naval officers and ratings 200 700 900
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as marine officers and marines 50 200 250
- In the Royal Naval Reserve 180 150 330
- In the Royal Marines Reserve 50 100 150
Total in the reserve naval and marine forces who may at any time be in full-time service under section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 480 1,150 1,630
4. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitment under section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as naval officers and ratings 50 15 65
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as marine officers and marines 15 10 25
- In the Royal Naval Reserve 100 40 140
- In the Royal Marines Reserve 30 40 70
Total in the reserve naval and marine forces who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitments under section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 195 105 300
5. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness Reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as naval officers and ratings 15 40 55
- In the Royal Fleet Reserve as marine officers and marines 5 20 25
- In the Royal Naval Reserve 20 30 50
- In the Royal Marines Reserve 10 30 40
Total in the reserve naval and marine forces who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness Reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 50 120 170

4. Vote A (Navy) III: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service as Special Members of the Reserve Naval Forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996

Two thousand, four hundred and seventy (2,470)

Officers Men and Women Total
Royal Naval Reserve 850 1,620 2,470
Total 850 1,620 2,470

4.1 Notes

  1. Members of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) have a liability to become Special Members of the Reserve Naval Forces. Existing RFA personnel may become Special Reservists on a voluntary basis whereas new entrants are automatically enlisted as part of their terms and conditions of service.

5. Vote A (Army) I: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Army Service

Ninety-seven thousand, nine hundred and forty (97,940)

2024-2025 2025-2026
Officers Men and Women Total   Officers Men and Women Total
14,430 78,220 92,650 Army (Other than Services below) 14,430 78,220 92,650
220 4,840 5,060 Gurkhas and International troops abroad 230 5,060 5,290
14,650 83,060 97,710 Total 14,660 83,280 97,940

5.1 Notes

  1. This Table of the Vote fixes the maximum number of officers, men and women including those on terminal leave and also young and junior soldiers, who may be maintained for army service at any time during the year.

  2. The maximum number includes a margin of 10% to cover unforeseen contingencies.

  3. The number includes personnel on loan service with government departments or other governments and personnel serving in international defence organisations.

  4. Officers includes up to 820 officers designate.

6. Vote A (Army) II: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service in the Reserve Land Forces

(excluding those to be maintained as special members of these forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996)

Sixty-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty (67,580)

Officers Men and Women Total
Army Regular Reserve 7,740 19,320 27,060
Army Reserve 9,020 31,500 40,520
Total 16,760 50,820 67,580

6.1 Notes

  1. The totals of the Army Reserve include officers, men and women employed full-time but not Regular Army members of permanent staff who are included in Table 1.

  2. The Defence Reform Act 2014 renamed the Army Reserve as the Regular Reserve and renamed the Territorial Army as the Army Reserve.

  3. The Reserve Forces Act 1996 introduced three new categories of Reservist: Full-Time Reserve Service, Additional Duties Commitment and High Readiness Reserve. The following notes detail the maxima of personnel in these categories. These maxima are included in the totals shown in Table II above.

4. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be in full-time service under section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Army Regular Reserve 850 2,080 2,930
- In the Army Reserve 870 1,870 2,740
Total in the reserve land forces who may at any time be in full-time service under section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 1,720 3,950 5,670
5. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitments under section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Army Regular Reserve 1,680 1,700 3,380
- In the Army Reserve 2,520 3,930 6,450
Total in the reserve land forces who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitments under section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 4,200 5,630 9,830
6. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Army Regular Reserve 40 150 190
- In the Army Reserve 60 440 500
Total in the reserve land forces who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 100 590 690

7. Vote A (Army) III: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service as Special Members of the Reserve Land Forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996

Nine hundred and fourty (940)

Officers Men and Women Total
Army Regular Reserve 30 150 180
Army Reserve 20 740 760
Total 50 890 940

8. Vote A (Air Force) I: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Air Force Service

Thirty-five thousand and eight hundred (35,800)

2024-2025 2025-2026
Officers Men and Women Total   Officers Men and Women Total
8,800 27,000 35,800 Royal Air Force 8,800 27,000 35,800
8,800 27,000 35,800 Total 8,800 27,000 35,800

8.1 Notes

  1. This Table of the Vote fixes the maximum number of officers, men and women, including those on terminal leave, who may be maintained for air force service at any time during the year.

  2. The maximum number includes a margin of 10% to cover unforeseen contingencies.

  3. The number includes personnel on loan service with government departments or other governments and personnel serving in international defence organisations.

9. Vote A (Air Force) II: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service in the Reserve Air Forces

(excluding those to be maintained as special members of these forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996)

Seventeen thousand and four hundred and fifty (17,450)

Officers Men and Women Total
Royal Air Force Reserve 4,500 8,500 13,000
Royal Auxiliary Air Force 950 3,500 4,450
Total 5,450 12,000 17,450

9.1 Notes

  1. The maximum for the Royal Air Force Reserve includes 400 officers and 5,300 men and women who have a Reserve liability, 3,100 officers in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training) for the purposes of service with the Air Training Corps, Air Experience Flight, Combined Cadet Force and Volunteer Gliding Schools. The Royal Air Force Reserve men and women category includes 1,000 officer cadets serving with the University Air Squadrons.

  2. The Reserve Forces Act 1996 introduced three new categories of Reservist: Full-Time Reserve Service, Additional Duties Commitment and High Readiness Reserve. The following notes detail the maxima of personnel in these categories. These maxima are included in the totals shown in Table II above.

3. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be in full-time service under Section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Air Force Reserve 580 710 1,290
- In the Royal Auxiliary Air Force 120 350 470
Total in the reserve air forces who may at any time be in full-time service under Section 24 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: 700 1,060 1,760
4. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitments under Section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Air Force Reserve 110 50 160
- In the Royal Auxiliary Air Force 30 30 60
Total in the reserve air forces who may at any time be subject to additional duties commitments under Section 25 of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: 140 80 220
5. Numbers of members of each force who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness Reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: Officers Men and Women Total
- In the Royal Air Force Reserve - - -
- In the Royal Auxiliary Air Force 40 60 100
Total in the reserve air forces who may at any time be liable for call-out under special agreements as members of the High Readiness Reserve under Part IV of the Reserve Forces Act 1996: 40 60 100

10. Vote A (Air Force) III: Maximum Number of Officers, Men and Women to be Maintained for Service as Special Members of the Reserve Air Forces under Part V of the Reserve Forces Act 1996

Two hundred and fifty (250)

Officers Men and Women Total
Royal Air Force Reserve 100 150 250
Royal Auxiliary Air Force - - -
Total 100 150 250