Ministry of Justice eighth Statement of New Regulation (SNR8)
An overview of regulations intended to be implemented by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) between July and December 2014.
MOJ, along with other government departments, has today published its eighth Statement of New Regulation (SNR8). SNR8 provides an overview of regulations intended to be implemented by government departments between July and December 2014.
MOJ’s SNR8 includes a package of four measures:
Presumption of Death Certificate:
To provide a robust procedure to establish for all legal purposes that a person is to be presumed dead and to deal with ancillary issues.
- reduce the cost of contesting Road Traffic Accident (RTA) personal injury claims through court
- discourage people from bringing less meritorious RTA personal injury claims or from making exaggerated claims
- lower the cost of RTA personal injury claims to insurers
Claims management regulation financial penalties:
To provide the Claims Management Regulator (CMR) with the power to impose financial penalties on a regulated claims business. This is an additional/alternative enforcement option where the CMR sees issues of non-compliance/misconduct (breaches of Conduct Rules). This will bring the CMR in line with other regulators and provide an additional deterrent.
Claims Management Review Phase 3 Conduct Rules:
To simplify and clarify existing claims management rules to reduce the detrimental impact on third party businesses and organisations.
MOJ is expecting a closing One-in, Two-out (OITO) deficit at the end of SNR8 (December 2014). Our closing balance at the end of SNR7 (June 2014) was zero. Our overall aggregate balance covering SNR1 through to SNR8 is expected to be in deficit.
The Better Regulation Executive at the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, that leads on the better regulation agenda across government, has published a cross-Whitehall narrative and a summary of the OITO position by department.
Eighth statement of new regulation: regulations covering July to December 2014
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Published 9 July 2014Last updated 10 July 2014 + show all updates
Added link to overarching document from the Better Regulation Executive
First published.