MMR action plan: 15 May 2013
A comprehensive set of local and national actions to significantly increase MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine coverage among those most at risk.
The key elements include:
- raising general awareness of the dangers and consequences of not being vaccinated, and by so doing, to persuade unvaccinated or under-vaccinated teenagers and young adults to seek vaccination from their GP
- GP practices to actively identify those teenagers, young adults (and children) at risk by searching their databases for the un- or under-vaccinated and specifically offering them the vaccine. Screening and Immunisation Leads (SILs) and their teams will track that each practice is taking part and supporting / intervening as necessary to boost this part of the plan
- SILs and Directors of Public Health to take a local view about the particularly vulnerable or low coverage groups, and to ensure that there are specific plans in place to identify the un- or undervaccinated in these groups and to offer them vaccination in a way designed to have good uptake. SILs to confirm that these plans are in place and to report on progress
- establishing comprehensive reporting processes to track progress
- maintaining an ongoing communications campaign in support of the programme