
MOD support fund for schools with service children: grant application pack

Grant for UK maintained schools with service children of frequently moved or deployed parents. The bidding round for the 2017 ESF has now closed.

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This page is out of date and therefore no longer relevant. You can find the lastest updates and information on the Education Support fund here.



The bidding round for the 2017 ESF has now closed.

The ‘Grant application pack’ consists of 5 documents:

  • ESF Instructions and Guidance
  • the application form itself (one form for England, one form for NI/Scotland/Wales)
  • the scoring criteria,
  • bid idea examples
  • frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Also available is an Education Support Fund Poster and some case studies.

All 5 documents should be downloaded and read before completion of the application form.


The MOD Education Support Fund (ESF) is a £6 million fund available to publicly funded schools, academies and free schools throughout the UK to mitigate the effects of significant mobility and/or deployment of their service communities.

Schools are a critical part of supporting our service families. Children may have to change school when a service parent is posted or school may support a pupil when a parent is absent for long periods of time. This fund is available to support schools in embedding practices that can benefit the service children and their school.

The fund is different from the Armed Forces Community Covenant Grant Scheme which is open to a wider variety of organisations and seeks to forge closer ties between Military and local communities.

It is also different to the Service Pupil Premium, which is provided to schools in England by the Department for Education in respect of children of serving members of the armed forces.

Directorate Children and Young People (DCYP), which is the MOD’s professional focal point for all matters relating to children and young people associated with the armed forces, are the lead organisation supporting the fund. Read the Instructions and Guidance for more details of eligibility and criteria.

The bidding round for the 2017 ESF has now closed

Applications are accepted from publicly funded schools, academies and free schools throughout the UK who meet the eligibility criteria. Local Authorities are also able to apply in support of these schools.

Updates to this page

Published 18 August 2011
Last updated 12 July 2017 show all updates
  1. Updated information to confirm applications for the fund has now closed.

  2. Added replacement forms for England, Scotland, NI and Wales as error had been spotted in the forms.

  3. Replaced documents with updated versions for covering letter instructions; FAQ's; scoring sheet guidance; application form which now includes one for England and another for NI, Scotland and Wales; and bid ideas. Also updated summary and Detail sections.

  4. Replaced documents with updated versions and updated detail section and updated application closing date.

  5. Updated 'MOD support fund for schools with service children: scoring'.

  6. Added updated application form.

  7. Added updated documents and details.

  8. Updated for the 2014 bid which closes 19th December 2013.

  9. First published.

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