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Modern slavery is closer than you think: infographic (accessible version)

Updated 20 October 2021

Help free the UK from modern slavery

Modern Slavery is the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. Victims are trapped in servitude, which they were deceived or coerced into, and feel they cannot leave.

Modern slavery includes:

  • Sexual exploitation
  • Criminal exploitation
  • Forced labour
  • Domestic servitude

17% increase in victims since 2015.

Just over half of victims are female.

Just over a third of victims are children.

Sexual exploitation: 34%. 22% are children at referral.

Just over a tenth are a victim of domestic servitude. 24% are children.

41% are victims of labour exploitation. 84% male, 26% children.

Common areas of labour exploitation:

  • food processing
  • factories
  • construction
  • car wash
  • agriculture
  • tarmacking

34 people forced into monetary fraud in the UK. Exploiters force victims to claim benefits on arrival but the money is withheld, or the victim is forced to take out loans or credit card debts.

Cannabis cultivation is the highest form of criminal exploitation. 33% of those are children when referred to the NRM.

Where victims come from

Poland, Romania, Albania, China, Vietnam, Nigeria.

Modern slavery is happening across the UK.

UK citizens are also victims.

Slavery is closer than you think. It happens all over the world including the UK. Find out more at or to seek help or report slavery call the helpline.

0800 0121 700

All data is drawn from National Referral Mechanism statistics 2016. This infographic incorporates data from all claimed locations of exploitation.

Victims’ referred to above are potential victims identified and referred to the National Referral Mechanism, who are then subject to fuller assessment.