Modern slavery guidance
Guidance for foreign and British nationals in adult prisons, covering remand and sentenced prisoners.
Applies to England and Wales
Modern slavery guidance for staff
To help staff understand:
- what modern slavery is and how to spot the signs
- how to take prompt action to manage potential and confirmed victims
- who First Responders Organisations are and what they do
- what the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is and how the process works once you receive a decision from the Home Office
- how to support and manage the risks of potential and confirmed victims in prison
- preparing for safe transfers, bail and release
- what extra support and legal entitlements potential and confirmed victims should be able to access.
- Prisoner Needs Assessment, which has been developed to help staff assess the needs of potential and confirmed victims of modern slavery
- links to the modern slavery statutory guidance and organisations that specialise in modern slavery
Modern slavery guidance for prisoners
To help prisoners understand:
- what modern slavery is
- the signs of modern slavery
- support that can be offered to potential and confirmed victims
- what to do if you think you have been a victim of modern slavery
- Information about the process after speaking to staff