Mortality Monitoring Bulletin (Life expectancy and all-age-all-cause mortality, and mortality from selected causes, overall and inequalities): update to include data for 2009
Mortality Statistics including the most recent three year time period (2007-09) for which data are available.
Applies to England
This statistical release updates previously published figures to include the most recent three year time period (2007-09) for which data are available. These statistics were released on 28 October 2010 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
Three-year averages are shown for life expectancy, and three-year average mortality rates for all causes of death, and selected specific causes of death. The specific causes of death are:
- cancer, ages under 75
- all circulatory diseases, ages under 75
- intentional self-harm (suicide) and injury of undetermined intent, all ages
- accidents, all ages.
For life expectancy, all cause mortality, and cancer and circulatory diseases mortality, figures for England are compared to the former Spearhead Group (i.e. areas which had the worst health and deprivation).
The titles of the publications on mortality monitoring have been altered slightly following the change in Government policy to abolish previous PSA targets. As an interim measure, the data presented in previous years will continue to be updated, though these are being presented as two bulletins rather than the three that were originally pre-announced for this year. The second bulletin, on infant mortality inequalities, is due for publication in December 2010. Next year’s bulletin(s) will reflect consultations taking place over the next few months on outcomes monitoring related to the NHS White Paper and the proposed Public Health White Paper.