Multi-agency strategic holding areas: a guide
A common approach to the identification, inspection and establishment of multi-agency strategic holding areas.
A Multi-Agency Strategic Holding Area (MASHA) is a pre-identified space which is large enough to accommodate the command and logistical support structures of all agencies required for a major incident. The Police, Ambulance and Fire & Rescue Services have all individually undertaken work to identify single agency strategic holding areas and, in addition, some multi-agency strategic holding areas are now in place.
To embed the multi-agency process further, representatives from the three emergency services have worked together to develop a common approach to the identification, inspection and establishment of Multi-Agency Strategic Holding Areas and have translated this into a MASHA Guide.
The guide aims to:
- assist in the process of identifying a suitable multi-agency strategic holding area;
- assist in the inspection and reporting process of a multi-agency strategic holding area; and
- provide guidance and templates for developing a site specific plan
The Civil Contingencies Secretariat has supported the development of the multi-agency process and promotes joint working, within and between the services and with other key partners. Embedding a joint process enables all emergency planners and responders to work efficiently and effectively with one another when responding to an incident.