Multi-Domain Integration (JCN 1/20)
Joint Concept Note 1/20 details that to maintain advantage in an era of persistent competition, Defence must seek to integrate the domains and levels of warfare.
Joint Concept Note (JCN) 1/20, Multi-Domain Integration (MDI) is founded on the Integrated Operating Concept. It focuses on how to integrate across the domains and levels of warfare and provides a vision for the development of an integrated force out to 2030 and beyond.
It does so in the context of integration with partners across government, the private sector and allies. Being integrated across all five domains – maritime, land, air, space, and cyber and electromagnetic – and at every level of warfare will change the way we fight and the way we develop capability.
We are moving beyond ‘joint’ to an era when modern manoeuvre in any domain will be enabled by effects from all domains. This integrated force must also be integrated nationally and with our key allies and partners.
Who should read this publication
This concept note is primarily orientated towards developing the idea of integration within Defence but acknowledges it relies on the will of the Whole Force, partners across government, private sector and multinational elements. It is therefore intended to be circulated widely.