Mumps: confirmed cases
Epidemiological data for mumps showing total laboratory confirmed cases in England and Wales.
Applies to England and Wales
These documents provide the following statistics:
- mumps notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England 2013 to 2022 by quarter
- confirmed cases of mumps in England and Wales by age and region from 2012 to 2020
Data on the number of confirmed cases of measles, mumps and rubella in England and Wales from 1996 to present are available.
Updates to this page
Updated mumps notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England by year and quarter.
Updated Mumps: notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England by quarter to include quarter 2 and 3 2021.
Updated 'Mumps: confirmed cases in England and Wales by age and region' and 'Mumps: notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England'.
Added 2020 Q1 and Q2 data to mumps notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England by quarter table.
Added mumps notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing in England 2019 data.
Updated 'confirmed cases in England and Wales by age and region, 2012 to 2018' table.
Updated all data tables.
Updated Mumps: notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing table.
Updated mumps notifications and confirmed cases by quarter and region and age tables to include quarter 1 of 2017 and 2018.
Added mumps notifications and confirmed cases between January and March 2017.
Updated data up to end of 2016.
Updated tables with data up to end of 2015.
Data updated up to 3rd quarter of 2015 (July to September).
Updated data up to 2015.
First published.