Naming and shaming failing social housing landlords
Government will begin naming and shaming failing social housing landlords on social media.
Applies to England
If you have a complaint about your social housing landlord, please go to our social housing complaints campaign website where you can find out how to complain to your landlord and the Housing Ombudsman Service.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will highlight poor practice by social housing landlords including on its social media platforms. This will include published findings by the Housing Ombudsman of severe maladministration, and judgements of the Regulator of Social Housing that consumer standards have been breached.
Where appropriate, the Secretary of State will contact social housing landlords to understand how they are taking appropriate steps to address the Ombudsman’s and Regulator’s findings. All social housing landlords are expected to self-refer breaches of standards to the Regulator of Social Housing. Where social housing landlords have failed to self-refer and a breach is found, they will be contacted by ministers.
Updates to this page
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
First published.