
National ANPR Service technical specifications (accessible version)

Updated 10 December 2024

Version 3.6 Final, December 2024

Document Revisions

Version Date Changes Owner
Version 3.1 May 2021 Minor revision of VOI template in line with Reg 109 requirements TAG Chair
Version 3.2 December 2021 Minor revision of VOI list template at request of Technical Advisory Group to ensure clarity and consistency with Reg 109 supplier document TAG Chair
Version 3.3 January 2022 Minor revision to Section 4 and VOI list template TAG Chair
Version 3.4 January 2022 Update wording section 4 and additions to VOI list naming convention TAG Chair
Version 3.5 October 2024 Full review of document by TAG - Out of date content and entries already covered elsewhere (NASPLE / R109) removed. Transliteration table included TAG Chair
Version 3.6 December 2024 Camera Naming section included TAG Chair


Acronym Description
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition
ANPR Data Includes the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) as interpreted by the ANPR System together with associated records of location of the ANPR camera that obtained the data together with details of the time of collection and any images associated with that data
ANPR Read The interpretation of a VRM by an ANPR system with associated reference to time and location.
ANPR System A collection of cameras, readers components linking to NAS
Camera The device used to capture an ANPR read
Communications Link The connections between the camera, any local infrastructure, and the NAC
GPS Global Positioning System
Hit The report of a match of a vehicle registration mark (VRM) read with a VRM that is included on a vehicle of interest list (VOI)
JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group image format
LEA Law Enforcement Agency – Includes police forces and other agencies undertaking law enforcement activities.
LEDS Law Enforcement Data Service – a replacement for the Police National Computer (PNC)
NAC National ANPR Capability includes:

- the core NAS which is a national system consisting of the functionality to enable use for operational response, investigation and intelligence purposes and a national store of data, and,
- the NSAP which is a national data services platform which will provide ANPR data to local ‘Back Office Function’ (BOF) applications, and,
- any other national store of data provided for law enforcement purposes relating to terrorism and serious criminal offences.
- local ANPR systems to enable use for operational response, investigation, and intelligence purposes, and,
- the National ANPR Infrastructure (NAI) which is a network of ANPR cameras, communications links, firewalls, and other related supporting components, which are the responsibility of LEAs, which connect to the NAC.
NAI A network of ANPR cameras, communications links, firewalls, and other related supporting components
NAS The core National ANPR Service
NASP National ANPR Standards for Policing first version published in 2013 and replaced by NASPLE, recognising the applicability to all law enforcement agencies that access the NAC
NASPLE National ANPR Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement.
NSAP The National Strategic ANPR Platform is a national data services platform which will provide ANPR data to local ‘Back Office Function’ (BOF) applications.
National VOI List Nationally circulated lists that include stolen vehicles, vehicles requiring an operational response and vehicles within Schengen circulations
PNC Police National Computer
Regulation 109 The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (Reg 109)
VOI The details of a vehicle that are of interest to law enforcement for operational response or investigation purposes that is included on a list to enable it to be read and for authorised staff to receive a report of that read.
VRM Vehicle Registration Mark

1. Introduction

This document prescribes the technical specifications for data within the National ANPR Capability (NAC). Systems must support interoperability within the NAC to allow:

  • Real-time matching of ANPR reads against lists of VOI and the real-time delivery of hits.

  • Remote research in accordance with prevailing researching guidelines

  • Read searching for national data searches and data mining in accordance with the NAS Business Rules, as defined within current NASPLE

  • Distribution of lists of vehicles of interest to the NAS

  • Transfer of data and all associated images between LEA NAI and the NAC.

National ANPR Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement (NASPLE) set out the standards that are required for the National ANPR Capability (NAC) to ensure compliance with relevant legislation in the operation and use of law enforcement ANPR.

The information within this document is intended to support compliance and consistency in the operation and management of NAC by the Police and other Law Enforcement Authorities (LEA) and should be read in conjunction with the current National ANPR Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement (NASPLE).

2. Camera Naming

The creation and naming of cameras within the NAI and their configuration in the NAS, is a crucial requirement to ensure data integrity and quality. Police and Law Enforcement Agency ANPR Administrators must ensure they are familiar with the structures and terminology contained within the NAS Camera Mapping and Hierarchical Structure document (available from the Home Office) when setting up new cameras, making changes, or decommissioning cameras.

Every camera lane, both fixed and mobile, MUST have a unique identifier (also known as Triplet, FUC Code, BOF ID, Source ID) consisting of 3 elements:


An example is, 71_999_1

The UNIT ID and CAMERA LANE ID must each consist of a minimum of 1 digit and a maximum of 4 digits.

The unique identifier (i.e. Triplet, FUC Code, BOF ID, Source ID) should be exclusive to a location. They are NOT transferrable, if a camera is relocated, it should be issued with a new unique identifier.

It is a NAS technical requirement that all parts of the unique identifier are separated by underscores, with a further underscore following the CAMERA LANE ID to denote the end of the identifier and the start of the camera name, which is free text to describe the camera location and direction of travel.

There is a limit of 80 characters including the unique identifier.

An example is, 71_999_1_L1 A686 Sandforth Area Northbound Westshire

For further information/detail on camera naming and evidential presentation, please refer to the latest version of the NAS Camera Mapping and Hierarchical Structure document.

3. ANPR Read Records

3.1 System Testing

The only number that may be entered into any component of the NAC for the purpose of testing connectivity is QQQ111Q.

3.2 Core Data Components

3.2.1 Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) (Mandatory)

The required format must conform to the Standard Coding Format UTF8 character set and the SIS2 Transliteration Guidance (see Appendix A). The VRM must contain no spaces.

Where a new camera is installed and has the capability to record images of vehicles passing within the field of view where no VRM is identified by the system, ‘QMOTION’ must be recorded within the VRM field. ‘QQQQQQQ’ is supported where existing cameras cannot be changed via configuration or upgrade.

Where a camera has the capability to maintain power for a period following the loss of mains power to the camera, ‘QPWRFAIL’ must be recorded within the VRM field. When mains power is restored to the camera, ‘QPWRREST’ must be recorded within the VRM field.

Where there is a requirement to transmit other specialist messages from roadside infrastructure, a VRM beginning with the Q character must be used, for example QXXXXXX. Numeric characters must not be used.

3.2.2 Time (Mandatory)

Recorded and synchronised using standard time source techniques to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus 0 (+0) at least once every 10 minutes, with accuracy to stratum level 3.

The required format is ‘dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, in 24 hour format.

3.2.3 Location (Mandatory)

ANPR data must place a mobile read in a location, accurate to within 10 metres. This location should have been ascertained through a Global Positioning System (GPS) device. For fixed cameras, the GPS location of the read should be hard coded to within 5 metres of the correct position on the carriageway where the vehicle is being captured.

The required format for recording a location is latitude and longitude in decimal degrees.

When a mobile ANPR system is unable to deliver an accurate GPS coordinate for a read, the GPS field must be populated with N0000000 E00000000

3.2.4. Supporting Imagery

Plate patch – showing the number plate only, (Mandatory for systems under ownership or control of an LEA).

A plate patch must be in JPEG format, 120x60 pixels and be no more than 3KB in size.

Overview – showing the vehicle in the context of the read zone (Optional). An overview image must be in JPEG format, no more than 25KB in size.

Where images obtained by a camera exceed 3KB for a plate patch or 25KB for an overview, these must be adjusted prior to forwarding to the NAS.

‘Geo Tagging’, if an accurate GPS Geo Location is available, then this detail may be added to images using Exif (Exchangeable image file format) (Optional)

3.2.5 Supporting Data

Data between the camera and the Back Office Function (BOF) and/or the Management Server, for sending to the national systems within the NAC, must be in a format to meet any validation and error handling requirements of the NAC. Most common supported formats include UTMC 1.1, UTMC 1.2 and Web Services. This is not an exhaustive list.

4. Vehicle of Interest (VOI) Lists

VOI lists must meet the specification as set out in the Regulation 109 Specification Document, the current version of which can be found here.

Annex A

Transliteration Values

Numeric characters

Sequence Number Original characters Description UTF8  Encoding Upper Case UTF8  Encoding Lower Case Standard Transliteration
1 0 0 0030 0030 0
2 1 1 0031 0031 1
3 2 2 0032 0032 2
4 3 3 0033 0033 3
5 4 4 0034 0034 4
6 5 5 0035 0035 5
7 6 6 0036 0036 6
8 7 7 0037 0037 7
9 8 8 0038 0038 8
10 9 9 0039 0039 9

Latin characters

Standard Transliteration for Latin characters

Sequence Number Original characters Description UTF8  Encoding Upper Case UTF8  Encoding Lower Case Standard Transliteration
1 A, a A 0041 0061 A
2 B, b B 0042 0062 B
3 C, c C 0043 0063 C
4 D, d D 0044 0064 D
5 E, e E 0045 0065 E
6 F, f F 0046 0066 F
7 G, g G 0047 0067 G
8 H, h H 0048 0068 H
9 I, i I 0049 0069 I
10 J, j J 004A 006A J
11 K, k K 004B 006B K
12 L, l L 004C 006C L
13 M, m M 004D 006D M
14 N, n N 004E 006E N
15 O, o O 004F 006F O
16 P, p P 0050 0070 P
17 Q, q Q 0051 0071 Q
18 R, r R 0052 0072 R
19 S, s S 0053 0073 S
20 T, t T 0054 0074 T
21 U, u U 0055 0075 U
22 V, v V 0056 0076 V
23 W, w W 0057 0077 W
24 X, x X 0058 0078 X
25 Y, y Y 0059 0079 Y
26 Z, z Z 005A 007A Z

Special characters

Sequence Number Original characters Description UTF8 Encoding Upper Case UTF8 Encoding Lower Case Normalisation
1 ‘.’ Full Stop 002E 002E remove
2 ‘-’ Hyphen 002D 002D remove
3 ‘/’ Solidus 002F 002F remove
4 ‘’’ Apostrophe 0027 0027 remove
5 ‘(’ Left parenthesis 0028 0028 remove
6 ‘)’ Right parenthesis 0029 0029 remove
7 ‘?’ Question mark 003F 003F remove
8 ‘:’ Colon 003A 003A remove
9 ‘,’ Comma 002C 002C remove
10 ‘+’ Plus sign 002B 002B remove
11 ‘blank’ Space 0020 0020 remove

Multinational characters

Sequence Number Original characters Description UTF8  Encoding Upper Case UTF8  Encoding Lower Case Standard Transliteration
1 Á, á A acute 00C1 00E1 A
2 À, à A grave 00C0 00E0 A
3 Â, â A circumflex 00C2 00E2 A
4 Ä, ä A diaeresis 00C4 00E4 AE
5 Ã, ã A tilde 00C3 00E3 A
6 Ă, ă A breve 0102 0103 A
7 Å, å A ring 00C5 00E5 AA
8 Ā, ā A macron 0100 0101 A
9 Ą, ą A ogonek 0104 0105 A
10 Ć, ć C acute 0106 0107 C
11 Ĉ, ĉ C circumflex 0108 0109 C
12 Č, č C caron 010C 010D C
13 Ċ, ċ C dot accent 010A 010B C
14 Ç, ç C cedilla 00C7 00E7 C
15 Ð, ð Eth 00D0 00F0 D
16 Ð, đ D with Stroke 0110 0111 D
17 Ď, ď D caron 010E 010F D
18 É, é E acute 00C9 00E9 E
19 È, è E grave 00C8 00E8 E
20 Ê, ê E circumflex 00CA 00EA E
21 Ë, ë E diaeresis 00CB 00EB E
22 Ě, ě E caron 011A 011B E
23 Ė, ė E dot accent 0116 0117 E
24 Ē, ē E macron 0112 0113 E
25 Ę, ę E ogonek 0118 0119 E
26 Ĕ, ě E breve 0114 0115 E
27 Ĝ, ĝ G circumflex 011C 011D G
28 Ğ, ğ G breve 011E 011F G
29 Ġ, ġ G dot accent 0120 0121 G
30 Ģ, ģ G cedilla 0122 0123 G
31 Ħ, ħ H bar 0126 0127 H
32 Ĥ, ĥ H circumflex 0124 0125 H
33 I, ı I without dot (Turkey) 0049 0131 I
34 Í, í I acute 00CD 00ED I
35 Ì, ì I grave 00CC 00EC I
36 Î, î I circumflex 00CE 00EE I
37 Ï, ï I diaeresis 00CF 00EF I
38 Ĩ, ĩ I tilde 0128 0129 I
39 İ, i I dot accent 0130 0069 I
40 Ī, ī I macron 012A 012B I
41 Į, į I ogonek 012E 012F I
42 Ĭ, ĭ I breve 012C 012D I
43 Ĵ, ĵ J circumflex 0134 0135 J
44 Ķ, ķ K cedilla 0136 0137 K
45 Ł, ł L slash 0141 0142 L
46 Ĺ, ĺ L acute 0139 013A L
47 Ľ, ľ L caron 013D 013E L
48 Ļ, ļ L cedilla 013B 013C L
49 Ŀ, ŀ L dot 013F 0140 L
50 Ń, ń N acute 0143 0144 N
51 Ñ, ñ N tilde 00D1 00F1 N
52 Ň, ň N caron 0147 0148 N
53 Ņ, ņ N cedilla 0145 0146 N
54 Ŋ, ŋ Eng 014A 014B N
55 Ø, ø O slash 00D8 00F8 OE
56 Ó, ó O acute 00D3 00F3 O
57 Ò, ò O grave 00D2 00F2 O
58 Ô, ô O circumflex 00D4 00F4 O
59 Ö, ö O diaeresis 00D6 00F6 OE
60 Õ, õ O tilde 00D5 00F5 O
61 Ő, ő O double acute 0150 0151 O
62 Ō, ō O macron 014C 014D O
63 Ŏ, ŏ O breve 014E 014F O
64 Ŕ, ŕ R acute 0154 0155 R
65 Ř, ř R caron 0158 0159 R
66 Ŗ, ŗ R cedilla 0156 0157 R
67 Ś, ś S acute 015A 015B S
68 Ŝ, ŝ S circumflex 015C 015D S
69 Š, š S caron 0160 0161 S
70 Ş, ş S cedilla 015E 015F S
71 Ŧ, ŧ T bar 0166 0167 T
72 Ť, ť T caron 0164 0165 T
73 Ţ, ţ T cedilla 0162 0163 T
74 Ú, ú U acute 00DA 00FA U
75 Ù, ù U grave 00D9 00F9 U
76 Û, û U circumflex 00DB 00FB U
77 Ü, ü U diaeresis 00DC 00FC UE
78 Ũ, ũ U tilde 0168 0169 U
79 Ŭ, ŭ U breve 016C 016D U
80 Ű, ű U double acute 0170 0171 U
81 Ů, ů U ring 016E 016F U
82 Ū, ū U macron 016A 016B U
83 Ų, ų U ogonek 0172 0173 U
84 Ŵ, ŵ W circumflex 0174 0175 W
85 Ý, ý Y acute 00DD 00FD Y
86 Ŷ, ŷ Y circumflex 0176 0177 Y
87 Ÿ, ÿ Y diaeresis 0178 00FF Y
88 Ź, ź Z acute 0179 017A Z
89 Ž, ž Z caron 017D 017E Z
90 Ż, ż Z dot 017B 017C Z
91 Þ, þ Thorn (Iceland) 00DE 00FE TH
92 Æ, æ ligature AE 00C6 00E6 AE
93 IJ,ij ligature IJ 0132 0133 IJ
94 Œ,œ ligature OE 0152 0153 OE
95 ß double ss Germany   00DF SS

Greek & Cyrillic characters - (ONLY to be used if country type detected)

Please observe that some of the transliteration rules for Cyrillic characters are conditional depending on the position of the character (or character combination) in the name. This could pose challenges for ANPR engines with some of the characters closely similar to Latin variants and could cause issues with misreads or Latin letters being incorrectly identified and transliterated incorrectly.

Sequence Number Original characters UTF8  Encoding Upper Case UTF8  Encoding Lower Case Standard Transliteration
1 А, a 0410 0430 A
2 Б, б 0411 0431 B
3 В, в 0412 0432 V
4 Г, г 0413 0433 G (except Belorussian, Ukrainian and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = H)
5 Д, д 0414 0434 D
6 Е, е 0415 0435 E
7 Ё, ё 0401 0451 E (except Belorussian = IO)
8 Ж, ж 0416 0436 ZH (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = Z)
9 З, з 0417 0437 Z
10 И, и 0418 0438 I (except Ukrainian = Y)
11 І, i 0406 0456 I
12 Й, й 0419 0439 I (except Bulgarian and 1st character in Ukrainian = Y)
13 К, к 041A 043A K
14 Л, л 041B 043B L
15 М, м 041C 043C M
16 Н, н 041D 043D N
17 О, о 041E 043E O
18 П, п 041F 043F P
19 Р, р 0420 0440 R
20 С, с 0421 0441 S
21 Т, т 0422 0442 T
22 У, у 0423 0443 U
23 Ф, ф 0424 0444 F
24 Х, х 0425 0445 KH (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria = H)
25 Ц, ц 0426 0446 TS (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = C)
26 Ч, ч 0427 0447 CH (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = C)
27 Ш, ш 0428 0448 SH (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = S)
28 Щ, щ 0429 0449 SHCH (except Bulgarian = SHT)
29 Ы ,ы 042B 044B Y
30 Ъ, ъ 042A 044A IE (Except Bulgarian = A)
31 Ь,ь 042C 044C Y
32 Э, э 042D 044D E
33 Ю, ю 042E 044E IU (except Bulgarian and 1st character in Ukrainian =  YU)
34 Я, я 042F 044F IA (except Bulgarian and 1st character in Ukrainian = YA)
35 Ѵ, ѵ 0474 0475 Y
36 Ґ, ґ 0490 0491 G
37 Ў,ў 040E 045E U
38 Ѫ, ѫ 046A 046B U
39 Ѓ, ѓ 0403 0453 G
40 Ђ, ћ 0402 0452 D
41 Ѕ, ѕ 0405 0455 DZ
42 Ј, ј 0408 0458 J
43 Ќ, ќ 040C 045C K (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = KJ)
44 Љ, љ 0409 0459 LJ
45 Њ, њ 040A 045A NJ
46 Ћ, ћ 040B 045B C
47 Џ, џ 040F 045F DZ (except Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia = DJ)
48 Є, є 0404 0454 IE (except 1st character in Ukrainian = YE)
49 Ї, ї 0407 0457 I (except 1st character in Ukrainian = YI)
50 ия     IA (only Bulgarian first names and places of birth, and only at the end of the string)

Greek characters - (ONLY to be used if country type detected)

Sequence Number Greek characters UTF8  Encoding Upper Case UTF8  Encoding Lower Case Combination of Greek characters Transcription
1 Α,Ά,α,ά  (vowel) 0391/ 0386 03B1/03AC   A,A,A,A
2       (ΑΙ, αι)  (8) AI,AI
3       (ΑΙ, άι)  (8) AI,AI
4       (ΑΪ, αϊ)  (8) AI,AI
5       ΑΥ,Αυ,Αύ,αυ,αύ  (3) AV,AV,AV,AV,AV
6       ΑΥ,Αυ,Αύ,αυ,αύ  (4) AF,AF,AF,AF,AF
7       ΑΫ,Άυ,Άϋ,Aΰ,άυ,αϋ,άϋ,αΰ  (9) AY, AY, AY, AY, AY, AY, AY,AY
8 Β, β 0932 03B2   V, V
9 Γ, γ 0393 03B3   G, G
10       ΓΓ,Γγ,γγ NG,NG,NG
11       (ΓΚ, γκ)   (8) GK,GK
12       ΓΞ,Γξ,γξ NX,NX,NX
13       ΓΧ,Γχ,γχ NCH,NCH,NCH
14 Δ, δ 0394 03B4   D,D
15 Ε,Έ,ε,έ  (vowel) 0395/ 0388 03B5/ 03AD   E,E,E,E
16       (ΕΙ, ει)  (8) EI,EI
17       (ΕΙ, έι)  (8) EI,EI
18       (ΕΪ, εϊ)  (8) EI,EI
19       ΕΥ,Ευ,Εύ,ευ,εύ  (3) EV,EV,EV,EV,EV
20       ΕΥ,Ευ,Εύ,ευ,εύ  (4) EF,EF,EF,EF,EF
21       ΕΫ,Έυ,Έϋ,Εΰ,έυ,εϋ,έϋ,εΰ  (9) EY,EY,EY,EY,EY,EY,EY,EY
22 Ϋ, ϋ, ΰ 03AB 03CB/ 03B0   Y,Y,Y
23 Ζ, ζ 0396 03B6   Z,Z
24 Η,Ή,η,ή  (vowel) 0397/ 0389 03B7/ 03AE   I,I,I,I
25       ΗΥ,Ηυ,Ηύ,ηυ,ηύ  (3) IV,IV,IV,IV,IV
26       ΗΥ,Ηυ,Ηύ,ηυ,ηύ  (4) IF,IF,IF,IF,IF
27       ΗΫ,Ήυ,Ήϋ,Ηΰ,ήυ,ηϋ,ήϋ,ηΰ  (9) IY,IY,IY,IY,IY,IY,IY,IY
28 Θ, θ 0398 03B8   TH,TH
29 Ι,Ί,Ϊ,ι,ί,ϊ,ΐ  (vowel) 0399/ 038A/ 03AA 03B9/ 03AF/ 03CA/0390   I,I,I,I,I,I,I
30 Κ, κ 039A 03BA   K,K
31 Λ, λ 039B 03BB   L,L
32 Μ, μ 039C 03BC   M,M
33       ΜΠ,Μπ,μπ  (5), (7) B,B,B
34       ΜΠ, μπ  (6) MP,MP
35 Ν, ν 039D 03BD   N,N
36       (ΝΤ, ντ)    (8) NT,NT
37 Ξ, ξ 039E 03BE   X,X
38 Ο,Ό,ο,ό  (vowel) 039F/ 038C 03BF/ 03CC   O,O,O,O
39       (ΟΙ, οι)     (8) OI,OI
40       (ΟΙ, όι)     (8) OI,OI
41       (ΟΪ, οϊ)     (8) OI,OI
42       ΟΥ,Ου,Ού,ου,ού OU,OU,OU,OU,OU
43       ΟΫ,Όυ,Όϋ,Οΰ,όυ,οϋ,όϋ,οΰ  (9) OY,OY,OY,OY,OY,OY,OY,OY
44 Π, π 03A0 03C0   P,P
45 Ρ, ρ 03A1 03C1   R,R
46 Σ, σ, ς 03A3 03C3/ 03C2   S,S,S                         (2)
47 Τ, τ 03A4 03C4   T,T
48 Υ,Ύ,υ,ύ  (vowel) 03A5/ 038E 03C5/ 03CD   Υ,Y,Y,Y
49       (ΥΙ, υι)     (8) YI,YI
50 Φ, φ 03A6 03C6   F,F
51 Χ, χ 03A7 03C7   CH,CH
52 Ψ, ψ 03A8 03C8   PS,PS
53 Ω,Ώ,ω,ώ  (vowel) 03A9/ 038F 03C9/ 03CE   O,O,O,O

Notes on the “Transcription table” above:

(2) – The Greek character ς (sigma final) is transcript into Latin s, the same as for the Greek character σ (sigma). The character σ is used at the beginning or the middle of a word, while the character ς is used at the end of the word.

(3) – Used before the characters β, γ, δ, ζ, λ, μ, ν, ρ, Β, Γ, Δ, Ζ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ρ and all the vowels.

(4) – Used before the characters θ, κ, ξ, π, σ, ς, τ, φ, χ, ψ, Θ, Κ, Ξ, Π, Σ, Τ, Φ, Χ, Ψ and at the end of the word.

(5) – At the beginning of the word.

(6) – In the middle of the word. A character or group of characters, which is not at the beginning or the end of a word, is in the middle of a word.

(7) – At the end of the word.

(8) – The combinations of Greek characters, which are in parentheses, are presented in table 10 only for clarification. They are converted according to the provisions laid down for each independent character.

(9) – They are converted according to the provisions laid down for each independent character when the vowel υ has an accent (e.g. ύ) or when the υ has dialytika (e.g. ϋ).

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