
National Child Measurement Programme: operational guidance

Guidance on running the National Child Measurement Programme, which collects the height and weight of reception and year 6 children across England every year.

Applies to England


Pre-measurement letter text for parents

Pre-measurement letter text for headteachers

Parent feedback letters


The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) collects the height and weight of reception and year 6 children in about 17,000 eligible schools across England each year.

The programme provides valuable information that local authorities can use to plan for and invest in services, to ensure all children have the opportunity to be healthy. It can also engage parents by promoting healthy lifestyle advice and support.

This page contains guidance for local authority commissioners, service providers and schools on running the NCMP, as well as example letter text for local authorities to use. This includes:

  • NCMP operational guidance, which is for commissioners and providers involved in delivering the programme
  • information for schools guidance, which is for headteachers and school staff on planning for the next measurement year
  • example pre-measurement letter text to send to parents, headteachers and primary care practitioners before measurements are carried out, with information about the programme
  • example letter text to parents of children unable to be measured unaided, to send to parents whose child is unable to participate in the programme
  • example parent feedback letter text, to send to parents after their child’s measurements have taken place with feedback and healthy lifestyle advice

Updates to this page

Published 2 May 2014
Last updated 1 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated 'NCMP and data protection regulations: advice for schools' section of 'National Child Measurement Programme: information for schools 2024' to clearly set out the role of schools as it relates to pupil personal information sharing under the NCMP regulations, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

  2. Updated operational guidance with new information about child oral health, the mental wellbeing of pupils and recording sex and gender identity of children. Also, added links to an animation that explains the NCMP process and why it's important, a video on talking to a healthcare professional about weight, a video on talking to your child about weight and child oral health resources.

  3. Replaced 'Specimen feedback letters to parents' with an updated version called 'Parent feedback letter templates', and updated the operational guidance document to reflect the name change. The NCMP 'Parent feedback letter templates' have been updated using new research on weight feedback communication, expert opinion on communicating to parents about weight and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders including parents whose children have been measured.

  4. Replaced out-of-date references to clinical commissioning groups with 'integrated care boards (ICBs) and sub-ICB geographies'. Updated PHE and NHS Digital references to OHID and NHS England.

  5. Added links to 2 external resources: 'NCMP pre-measurement leaflet: school height and weight measurements' and 'NCMP post-measurement leaflet: top tips to keep your family healthy and happy'.

  6. Annual update to the operational guidance document and accompanying resources to reflect: the NHS Digital merger with NHS England; updated definitions; additional guidance; and new resources, research and data analysis from the past year. The changes are specified in detail at the start of the operational guidance document.

  7. Replaced 'Specimen pre-measurement letter to parents' with latest version.

  8. Replaced the following documents with newly updated versions for 2022: NCMP operational guidance; NCMP information for schools; 5 NCMP specimen letters.

  9. Updated operational guidance, information for schools and pre-measurement letters for headteachers, parents and primary care practitioners. Removed operational guidance addendum.

  10. Addendum document links updated.

  11. Updated child measurement data and guidance for 2020.

  12. Added updated version of 'Information for schools' and the specimen Letter for Headteachers documents.

  13. Updated 'NCMP operational guidance' and 'Specimen pre-measurement letter for parents' documents.

  14. Updated 'Information for schools' and 'Specimen pre-measure letter to headteacher' documents. Old versions deleted.

  15. Uploaded the 'Specimen pre-measurement letter for parents' and the 'NCMP operational guidance' report.

  16. Guidance removed for urgent revisions. It will be republished during the week commencing 23 July 2018. Added link to leaflet on 'Top tips to keep your family health and happy'.

  17. Updated the: 'NCMP Operational Guidance', removed the 'NCMP and general data protection regulation advice: addendum 2018' and 'Specimen pre-measurement letter for parents'.

  18. Added 'NCMP and general data protection regulation advice: addendum 2018' to provide advice for local authorities and service providers.

  19. Updated 'specimen result letters to parents’.

  20. Added 'Pre-measurement leaflet for parents: school height and weight measurements'.

  21. Updated NCMP operational guidance.

  22. Updated operational guidance and information for schools.

  23. Updated for 2015 to 2016 school year.

  24. The 'Specimen pre-measurement letter to primary care practitioners' has been uploaded.

  25. The specimen letters have been updated and the NCMP key dates for the 2014 to 2015 school year have been added.

  26. May publication applies to the 2014 to 2015 school year. No change to document

  27. First published.

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