National Contingency Plan (NCP)
A strategic overview for responses to marine pollution from shipping and offshore installations
The United Kingdom (UK) Government regards the potential pollution of our marine and coastal environment as a serious threat. As the size and displacement of commercial vessels increases, so the size of the offshore oil and gas industry increases. This in turn leads to an increasing risk of pollution incidents.
The NCP sets out:
- the arrangements for dealing with pollution, or the threat of pollution, spilled from ships and offshore installations
- the responsibilities of the Department for Transport, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, harbour authorities, offshore installations operators and other bodies with relevant functions
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s Counter Pollution and Salvage Branch is the custodian of the NCP.
Updates to this page
Updated attachments to the latest NCP and the latest accompanying documentation. Adjusted the coving text to be more reflective of the current situation.
Updated the page to provide the latest National Contingency Plan revision together with the latest accompanying documents.
Updated with the latest version of the NCP document - 17/08/2017.
National Contingency Plan updated to latest version, correct as on 20/11/2015. Also removed outdated paragraph referring to a past exercise.
First published.