
Remit letter from the Home Secretary to the NCARRB on the 2022 to 2023 pay award (accessible)

Published 6 December 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Home Secretary
2 Marsham Street

Andy Bliss
NCA Remuneration Review Body
Fleetbank House
2-6 Salisbury Square

30 November 2021

Dear Andy,


I would first like to take this opportunity to thank you for continuing in the role of interim Chair of the Review Body. I was grateful for Anita Bharucha’s sound advice on NCA pay last year, under challenging financial circumstances, and I look forward to working with you. The role of the Review Body remains very important. It is crucial that I am provided with independent advice on pay for those NCA officers with operational powers given the provisions of the Crime and Courts Act.

I should, therefore, like to ask for your recommendations on the pay award for NCA officers with operational powers in 2022/23.

As you know, the NCA is a national law enforcement body, which leads the fight to cut serious and organised crime, protecting the public by targeting and pursuing those criminals who pose the greatest threat to the UK. Serious and organised crime includes child sexual abuse, modern slavery, the supply of illegal drugs and firearms, cybercrime, money laundering, and fraud. These crimes ruin lives, destroy communities, and wreck our prosperity while the perpetrators make obscene profits. Serious and organised crime costs the UK at least £37bn each year. Its scale and devastating impact make it one of the most pressing national security threats we face.

The Government must balance the need to ensure fair pay for public sector workers with protecting funding for frontline services and ensuring affordability for taxpayers. We must ensure that the affordability of a pay award is taken into consideration to enable the Agency to fulfil its transformation plans by building future skills and capabilities.

In considering your recommendations, you should have regard to the following:

  1. the affordability of any proposals;
  2. evidence of recruitment, retention and vacancy rates within the NCA and its ability to maintain competitiveness with its key comparator markets; and
  3. evidence of the Agency’s improvements to productivity and workforce efficiencies.

As the NCA is a Non-Ministerial Department, the Agency will provide you with its own evidence on points 1 to 3 above, based on its workforce assessments and the Review Body’s terms of reference. My officials within the Home Office will be engaged in this and, where necessary, will provide additional information.

As part of its evidence, the NCA will set out the operational context, Agency pay strategy and longer-term plans for its workforce, which I expect to be submitted to you in good time.

To allow adequate time for consultation before any changes are applied, I should be grateful if you could aim to provide a report on this matter no later than end of May 2022.

Rt Hon Priti Patel MP

Home Secretary