National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
The strategy sets out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100.
Applies to England
The Environment Agency has a statutory duty to develop, maintain, apply, and monitor a National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for England.
The Environment Agency updated the Draft National FCERM Strategy for England following a public consultation in 2019.
The Secretary of State laid the revised strategy before Parliament on 14 July 2020. This was a requirement of section 7(9) of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The act also states:
what the strategy must cover
that it requires public consultation
that the Secretary of State must approve it
Government adopted the strategy on 25 September 2020. Risk management authorities must now take the strategy into account in their activities.
You should read the final adopted strategy with the supporting documents:
- statement on the environmental content (statement of environmental particulars (SOEP))
- non-technical summary of a statement on the environmental content (SOEP non-technical summary)
- post adoption statement
- summary report of the habitats regulations assessment process
- Draft national flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England: consultation response
On the 7 June 2022, the Environment Agency published a Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy Roadmap to 2026. The roadmap contains practical actions out to 2026 which ensure progress toward the strategy’s 2100 vision. The roadmap supersedes the 1-year Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy Action Plan published on 12 May 2021.
Updates to this page
Updated landing page with new information on the FCERM strategy roadmap.
Link added to the National FCERM Strategy Action Plan
Habitats regulations assessment replaced with a more accessible document.
The strategy was adopted on 25 September 2020 and supporting documents added.
First published.