Jordan Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Published 23 July 2018
Form for submitting commitments for the Global Disability Summit 2018
Your organisation:
Type of organisation: National Government
If other: Click or tap here to enter text.
Name of organisation The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Charter for Change
Please read the attached Summit Charter for Change: the principal legacy of the Summit. If your organisation is happy to sign up to the Charter, please confirm by putting a cross in the box below.
My organisation signs up to the Summit Charter for Change X
Your organisation’s commitments to achieve the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries:
Commitments to eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Policy, legislation and its implementation
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit):
Policy, legislation and its implementation – new or strengthened CRPD-compliant legislation, policy and long-term action plans – and investment in the resources needed to implement them
Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)
By awareness programs that will be implemented by our media team
Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Commitments for Inclusive Education
Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Inclusive education sector plans (governments only)
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who havesupported its development (75 words limit):
Inclusive education sector plans (government only) - new or strengthened inclusive education sector plans, which coherently link budgets and resources to policy.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)
Signing an MoU with the ministry of education to establish four Inclusive schools as a pilot of inclusive education
Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Commitments for Economic Empowerment
Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Access to financial services
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who havesupported its development (75 words limit):
Access to financial services - e.g. establishment/amendment of financial services and products that are inclusive and equally accessible for people with disabilities
Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)
Try to enforce the law Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Commitments for Technology and Innovation
Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: New programmes or services
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):
New programmes or services - new accessible programmes or services which improve the availability and affordability of appropriate assistive technology
Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)
By cooperating with Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
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Commitments for Data Disaggregation
Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Commit resources to support strengthened disability data
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):
generating or supporting others to generate disability disaggregated data in programmes, census, household surveys or administrative systems.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)
By conducting new surveys
Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Commitments for Women and Girls with Disabilities
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who havesupported its development (75 words limit):
Because no-one should be left behind
Timeframe and/or implementation plan(75 words limit)
Targeted interventions such as ensuring legislation, policies and implementation strategies prevent and address violence against women and girls with disabilities – by institutions and individuals.
Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Commitments forpeople with disabilities in Humanitarian Contexts
Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who has supported its development (75 words limit):
By mainstreaming inclusion across all Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian sectors, and implementing our commitments in the Charter ‘Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action’.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan(75 words limit)
Targeted interventions such as new inclusive humanitarian response funding announcements, new mandatory/recommended guidelines or guidance for implementing partners, new partnerships, capacity building initiatives
Please copy and paste this box for additional commitments under this theme.
Other Commitments
Please enter the exact wording of any other commitment/s that do not fall under the themes above, including details of others who havesupported its development (75 words limit):
Click or tap here to enter text.
Please copy and paste this box for additional other commitments.