National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline 2017
A forward-looking pipeline of planned projects and programmes in economic and social infrastructure.
The National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline shows details of planned infrastructure and construction investment across the public and private sectors. The pipeline builds on the work of the National Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which set out the government’s plans to support the delivery of housing, and social and economic infrastructure. The government has produced regular updates to the pipeline since 2011.
The analysis of National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline contains projections of £600 billion of public and private investment in infrastructure over the next 10 years. The report further includes a delivery progress update on the 4,500 individual infrastructure projects and 158 high priority projects which have been completed since 2010.
The publicly funded elements of the pipeline represent announced projects and programmes but the publication of the pipeline does not represent a commitment to undertake all the projects and programme shown. In privately funded sectors, the decision to go ahead with individual projects will be determined by the market. The pipeline for regulated sectors is consistent with agreed regulatory settlements.