National List and plant breeders' rights: authorisation of agent
Form to authorise the use of an agent for an application to add a plant variety to the National List or for plant breeders' rights.
You can appoint an agent to manage the application process to add a plant variety to the UK National Lists. Fill in this form to authorise this appointment.
If the applicant or agent applying isn’t based in the UK, you’ll need to appoint an authorised UK agent.
You can also fill in this form to authorise the use of an agent to apply for plant breeders’ rights. Upload this form using the attachment section in UPOV PRISMA when applying.
For further information, see the guidance on the National Listing of agricultural and vegetable crops and the guidance on plant breeders’ rights.
Updates to this page
Updates to confirm an agent can be appointed to manage the application process and if the applicant or agent applying isn’t based in the UK, an authorised UK agent should be appointed.
Data protection statement updated on the form
First published.