National non-domestic rates for billing authorities: form guidance
Updated 9 January 2025
Applies to England
1. Introduction
These instructions are to help billing authorities on the centralised national non-domestic rates (NNDR) payment process for local authority maintained schools and academies. The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) pays NNDR bills directly to billing authorities on behalf of local authority maintained schools and academies.
Further information on this change can be found at changes to the payment process of schools’ business rates.
2. Eligibility to claim
The annual process for billing authorities to confirm their NNDR payment process for 2024 to 2025 concluded in January 2024. You can view the NNDR payment process, for 2024 to 2025 for billing authorities and schools to check the process confirmed for your billing authority.
If you did not confirm to ESFA your intention to implement the centralised payment process, you should continue to bill your maintained schools and academies directly.
2.1 Eligible schools
All local authority maintained schools and academies, including 16 to 19 academies that are not further education (FE) establishments, that deliver education fall under the centralised payment process.
The schools and academies by billing authority area for national non-domestic rates 2024 to 2025 document details the schools that fall under the remit of each billing authority.
Maintained schools
- local authority maintained schools
- community schools
- community special schools
- foundation schools
- foundation special schools
- voluntary aided schools
- voluntary controlled schools
- pre-16 academy schools
- special academies
- alternative provision academies
- 16 to 19 convertor academies
- 16 to 19 sponsor led academies
- free schools
- studio schools
- university technical colleges (UTCs)
Early years or post-16 provider based provision, which form part of the overall school operation, will continue to be funded as they have been historically under the centralised process. Maintained nursery schools are out of scope of these changes.
Sixth forms which are part of secondary schools will also be funded as they have been historically under the centralised process.
Special schools and pupil referral units are in scope of the changes, however, will often receive 100% relief for rates. If this is not the case, we would expect schools to apply for exemption with the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).
3. When to claim
The deadline for submitting your claim is 11:59pm on Wednesday, 22 May 2024.
Claims can be amended up until the deadline. It will not be possible, under any circumstances, to grant any extensions to the deadline.
4. Accessing the claim form
4.1 Before you start
Before you start the claims process, you will need to:
- have a DfE Sign-in account that is linked to your billing authority
- have ‘NNDR service’ added to your billing authority DfE sign-in account
- confirm you are an eligible establishment
- have prepared your data; the data template can be downloaded by accessing the NNDR claim form
5. DfE Sign-in
5.1 Sign in to your DfE Sign-in account
Follow the steps below to proceed with your claim form.
Access the online NNDR claim form and when prompted, enter your DfE Sign-in credentials (your username and password) for authentication.
Choose the organisation for whom you are completing the form (this is only required if you are linked to several organisations).
The next page will display the details we hold about the organisation you selected when you signed in. This will show the name, address and unique identifier of the billing authority, as well as the name and email address of the person who signed into DfE Sign-in.
If these details are correct, select ‘Continue’ to go to the next page.
If you believe these details are incorrect, please contact us via the Customer Help Portal and we will investigate. You can still proceed with your submission.
Please note: to complete the form, your account must be connected to the billing authority you are completing the form for. This is your organisation type that will allow access to this form and is different to the local authority. You must also add ‘NNDR services’ in DfE Sign-in.
5.2 If you do not have a DfE Sign-in account
You will need to create a DfE Sign-in account if you do not have one by completing steps 1 to 5 below.
Select ‘create a DfE Sign-in account’ on the DfE Sign-in page.
Enter your name and email address (use a valid business email address that contains your name).
You will receive an email to verify your email address. Copy the code from this email and paste it into the box on the verification page.
Create a memorable password of at least 14 characters. A good way to create a secure and memorable password is to use 3 random words. You can use numbers, symbols and spaces.
Sign in using your new credentials, and request access to the billing authority for which you would like to submit the form. Please ensure the type of your organisation is ‘Billing authority’ and not ‘Local authority’ when selecting from the search results. Your request will be sent to the approver(s) of your organisation or will be dealt with by DfE Sign-in support team if you do not already have an approver.
5.3 Adding an organisation (billing authority) to your DfE Sign-in account
To add a new organisation to your account, follow the steps below.
Login to your DfE Sign-in account.
Select ‘Organisations’.
Select ‘Request access to an organisation’.
Enter the name of the billing authority you would like to add.
Select the organisation from search results.
Select ‘Confirm’.
Your request will be sent to the approver(s) of your organisation or will be dealt with by the DfE Sign-in support team if you do not already have an approver.
Select ‘Billing authority’ as your organisation type. This will allow access to the form and is different to selecting ‘Local authority’. You must also add ‘NNDR services’ in DfE Sign-in.
Once your request to access an organisation has been approved, you will need to add ‘NNDR service’ to your account and then follow the steps outlined under ‘Already have a DfE account’ to complete the form.
5.4 Adding NNDR service to your DfE Sign-in account
To add a new service to your account, follow the steps below.
Login to your DfE Sign-in account.
Select ‘Services’.
Select ‘Add services to my account’.
Select the billing authority you would like the service added to.
Select ‘National non-domestic rates (NNDR)’ from the list.
Select ‘Confirm’.
You might have noticed the term ‘approver’ when creating your account. An approver is someone at your organisation responsible for controlling who has access to DfE Sign-in and the services within the system. This is usually a senior person, such as an administrator or a manager.
For security reasons, you will need the approval of one of your organisation’s approvers before you can access the form.
5.5 If you need further assistance
For problems using the DfE Sign-in service, use our DfE Sign-in help service to request assistance. When raising a support request, select ‘Other’.
For problems accessing the form, please contact us via the Customer Help Portal.
6. Completing the form
By clicking ‘Continue’ on each page this will take you through the form.
After completing all mandatory sections within the claim form, you will be prompted to complete the required declarations before you can submit your form. Once you have submitted your form, an explanation on what happens next will follow.
6.1 Claim template file
You can choose to download the claims submission template before you continue to upload your file. You should select the ‘template’ link to download the most up to date file version.
6.2 Download the claim template file
The page allows you to download the most up to date version of the template file. Click the file link to download the file to your device. The file will download as an .XLSX file type (Excel). This should be ‘saved as’ a .CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv) file type before the completed version is uploaded to ESFA.
6.3 Your claims
This page allows you to upload your completed .CSV template file.
6.4 Uploading the claim file
The file will initially be saved as an .XLSX file type (Excel) when downloaded. This should then be ‘saved as’ a .CSV file type before the completed version is uploaded to ESFA. When saving as .CSV you must select the option as highlighted below.
6.5 Validating your claim file
Once you have uploaded the claim file, click ‘Continue’ and the service will validate it. If the validation fails, you must clear the file errors and upload again.
You may wish to copy your data across to a newly downloaded template file in case the problem is due to an out-of-date template.
You may experience a validation failure due to some common errors. In Annex 1: how to successfully validate your file, we have provided further guidance on fixing these errors.
7. Troubleshooting
There may be instances where your NNDR data contains more than one property for a single school.
Every educational provider in the UK has their own UK provider reference number (UKPRN). For most schools, there will be a one-to-one relationship between your account number for a property and the UKPRN for a school. However, as an example, where an academy has a split site, you will have 2 NNDR account numbers against the same UKPRN, this is acceptable. In these cases, simply present the numbers as 2 lines of data in your claims’ submission, each with the same UKPRN.
7.1 Marking relevant properties within your NNDR system
This may be a two-step process. Depending on your requirements you may need to flag properties on your system with a new payment code, and/or add the properties to a new payment group.
7.2 Matching schools to NNDR properties
Billing authorities will need to map ESFA’s schools’ data to their NNDR property data.
For maintained schools and academies, this can be done through a combination of matching postcodes and school names.
7.3 Entering your data into the spreadsheet
For each row/claim, enter the:
- name of the school (ratepayer/liable parties)
- property description
- property address line 1
- property postcode
- property reference number
- account reference number
- amount due/net liability
- if the property (or sports field) is being used for educational purposes (this is a new column for financial year 2024 to 2025)
Do not add, remove, or change the names of any columns as this will prevent the service from accepting your claim.
The name and address of the school you are claiming for, should match the equivalent ESFA data. However, we understand that there may be minor discrepancies, and this is acceptable. ESFA is using this data to help double-check that the reference numbers and claims values have been placed in the correct row.
7.4 Including missing schools in your claim
If there are schools relevant to your billing authority which are not in the spreadsheet provided by ESFA, you can add them to your claim following these steps below.
Create a new row on the template and add the property reference number, the NNDR account reference number and the claim amount.
Find the UKPRN, official school name and address by using get information about schools (GIAS).
Add the UKPRN, name and address to the relevant row.
You do not need to contact ESFA about these properties. We will identify them during the claims’ validation process.
7.5 Properties you can or cannot claim for
The following properties should not be included in your claim:
- maintained nursery schools/early years settings that are not part of the overall school operation for example run by a private provider
- buildings used for non-educational purposes, for example, office and premises
- rented buildings
- FE establishments
- private schools
Early years provision which is part of the overall school operation (for example, nursery classes in primary schools) will continue to be funded as previous years under the centralised payment process.
Sixth form provision within secondary schools will continue to be funded as previous years under the centralised payment process.
We have detailed some examples below that may help you determine whether you can submit a claim.
A school may have a playing field on a separate hereditament which is used by the school for educational purposes. The billing authority can submit a claim for this.
A school has an adjacent nursery, which is a separate hereditament from the main school. Maintained nursery schools are not part of the new policy change so no claim can be submitted by the billing authority. The billing authority and the school must make arrangements to cover this rates bill.
A school estate may be made up of a single hereditament which includes a nursery. As it is not possible to separate this property for rates purposes and it has been previously funded by ESFA this will continue to happen under the centralised payment process. Where there is a clear requirement for a split, the billing authority and school must work together to have this rated separately. This is not a new policy change.
Example 1:
You have a playing field on a separate hereditament, and it is used by the school, you can claim for the playing fields. If you have a nursery which is part of a larger primary school that is a separate hereditament from the main school, you cannot claim for the nursery.
Example 2:
You have a single hereditament which includes a primary school, a maintained nursery school and playing fields. As it is not possible to separate out the hereditament into those areas which are relevant to ESFA, and if these have been funded previously by EFSA you can continue to do so.
7.6 Declarations
Once you have completed your upload, you will be presented with mandatory declarations.
You will not be able to submit your claim without agreeing to these declarations and to do that, you will need to tick each box.
Once you have completed this page, select ‘Continue’ to proceed.
7.7 Confirmation
The final page confirms your claim has been submitted successfully. You will receive a unique reference number against your submission, followed by an explanation of what happens next.
You will receive an email confirming successful submission of your claim.
Make a note of your unique reference number as this information is not included in the confirmation email.
We will review your claim and contact you if additional information is required.
7.8 Amend claim page
Claims can be amended up until the deadline by selecting the link to the claim form. The deadline will not be extended. Once a new file is submitted, any previous submission(s) for this claim cycle will be overwritten.
ESFA will only review the latest file.
You must resubmit the completed file with your full list of claims.
You will receive a new unique submission number for an amended claim.
7.9 Making in-year adjustments
The service will remain open for any adjustments to rates claims. You can submit in-year adjustments for 2024 to 2025 financial year, or prior years, using the existing claims service. Claims can be submitted up until Friday 31 January 2025 for payment within 2024 to 2025 financial year. Claims submitted after 31 January 2025 deadline will be paid during 2025 to 2026 financial year.
NNDR adjustments between 1 February to 31 March 2024 can be submitted when the service opens on Tuesday 2 April 2024.
7.10 Historical claims
Billing authorities moving onto the centralised payment process in 2024 to 2025 will not be able to submit NNDR prior year adjustments for their local authority maintained schools using the claims service. Historic adjustments for 2023 to 2024 have been submitted by local authorities in the 2024 to 2025 authority proforma tool (APT).
Billing authorities moving to the centralised payment process in 2024 to 2025 will pick up any prior year adjustments for their academies on previously paid claims back to 2018 to 2019 using the new service.
Academies whose billing authority remains on the old NNDR process can submit changes to previously paid claims back to 2018 to 2019 up until Friday 31 January 2025 via the existing NNDR academy service. Claims submitted after the 31 January 2025 deadline will be paid during 2025 to 2026 financial year.
You can find out more about the changes to payment process of schools business rates.
8. Enquiries
If you have read this guidance and have any questions about the NNDR process or how to complete the online form, contact us via the Customer Help Centre
When completing the enquiry form, select ‘Other’ as your query type.
9. What happens next
The information you have entered will be checked and validated against your funding allocation. Spot checks on receipted records will be carried out.
10. Payments
Billing authorities will receive payments via Bacs as a single lump sum.
Payments will be made on the last working day of the month. For new claims, the first payments to billing authorities will be 28 June 2024. The cut-off date for claim uploads for June payment is 22 May 2024.
Claims submitted after 22 May 2024 will be paid at the next reconciliation point.
Remittance is automatically sent when a payment is made. We will provide a separate breakdown of individual payment amounts with their associated account reference numbers.
For reconciliation payments (positive adjustments to claims), the first payment will be made on 31 October 2024.
The final payment for adjustments (which will include recoveries) will be made on 31 March 2025.
The cut-off date for October payments is 11 September 2024 and 31 January 2025 for March payments.
Any 2023 to 2024 adjustment claims submitted after 31 January 2024 deadline, will be paid in financial year 2024 to 2025.
Adjustments for 2024 to 2025 can only be submitted until 31 January 2025.
Where there is a query on a claim and ESFA require clarification/further evidence we will pay those claims within 2 months of receiving clarification/evidence.
11. Annex 1: how to successfully validate your file
11.1 Complete your claim file
You must first download the current NNDR submission template.
The template will save as an .XLSX file type (Excel) by default. You must convert your completed file to .CSV before you upload it.
The template contains the column headers in the exact format needed by the NNDR service to validate your claim.
To complete your claim file, you will need to:
remove example data
add your school-level data
do not change column headers or your file will be rejected
You can find further support on how to add your data to the file in section 7: troubleshooting.
Make sure you have populated columns N, O and Q correctly by using the pre-prepared drop-down lists. These columns relate to your property and are labelled as:
- liability year
- is this an adjustment to a previous claim for the stated year ?
- reason for adjustment (only applicable if claiming an adjustment, otherwise leave blank)
11.2 Prepare your file for validation and upload
Follow the steps below to make sure your file can be successfully validated.
Step 1: Copy your data to a new blank workbook and save as .CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv)
Open a new blank workbook in Excel.
Select the column headers and school-level claim data from your completed claim file.
It is important that you only select from the template header column range and rows containing your populated data. Do not include the example data already populated when you downloaded the template.
Copy the selected column headers and data.
Paste this into the new blank workbook.
Select ‘Save as’ or ‘Save a copy’ from the file menu.
Select file type ‘CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv)’ then ‘Save’. You can give any file name when saving your claim file, but it should be a short file name that does not include any special characters.
Step 2: Cleanse your data to remove commas
All commas must be removed from your data.
To do this:
Select ‘Home>Find and Select>Replace’ in Excel.
Type a comma into the ‘Find what’ box. Do not enter anything in ‘Replace with’ box.
Select ‘Replace all’.
Step 3: Cleanse your data to check data formats
The data format must be ‘General’ in columns M (‘Property net liability (the NEW FULL amount liable for the stated year and including any adjustments) £’) and P (‘Property adjustment amount £’).
To do this:
Click on the column label (M or P). This will highlight the column.
With the column selected, go to the ‘Number’ section of the ‘Home’ menu.
Select ‘General’ from the dropdown menu.
Step 4: Cleanse your data to remove empty rows
Select all empty rows up to and including row 1020 and delete them by right clicking the mouse and selecting ‘Delete’.
Step 5: Other checks to ensure successful validation
You must populate all columns except for the last 2 which are only for adjustments. If you have missed a field (such as a missing postcode), the service will ask you to provide the missing data before resubmitting your file.
UKPRN values in column G should be a valid 8-digit number (for example 10012345). You can check UKPRN numbers by searching for schools directly in the GIAS service, or by reviewing the schools and academies by billing authority area for national non-domestic rates 2024 to 2025 spreadsheet.
If you have copied your billing authority code down the spreadsheet rows, check that Excel has not ‘filled series’ by escalating the number by one each time.
11.3 Upload your completed file into the NNDR service
Go to the ‘Upload your file’ page within the NNDR service.
Select the ‘Choose File’ button.
This will launch a pop-up window. Use this to navigate to your completed CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv) file saved on your computer.
Once your file has been uploaded, select ‘Save and continue’.
The service will scan the file for viruses and validate your file data. This may take up to a minute, depending on your service provider.
The file validation check scans the content of your completed file. It checks that your file has the correct column headers in the correct position, all data is formatted correctly, and no data is missing.
The validation process works through each of the checks in order. If your file fails one of the steps, the validation check will stop and provide you with a report on screen of how to fix the issue. The report will include the cell reference numbers of any missing data, or data items that must be corrected.
You must open your saved file outside of the service to fix any errors. You may want to log out and sign in to the service again before re-uploading your amended file to ensure that you have not been ‘timed out’.
11.4 Error messages
The selected file must be CSV
If the uploaded template is not saved as a .CSV file, you must save the template as a .CSV file and re-upload it.
Column title is missing or mismatched
This error message means you could be using an old version of the template. Download the current template then copy and paste data from the old template across to the new template. Make sure all populated columns match from the old template to the new one.
An unexpected error occurred while scanning your file
If you experience an unexpected error, we recommend you make another attempt to upload your template.
If you continue to get an error message, try the following:
clear your cache and cookies
update your browser to the latest version
upload your template from a different device or network
If you are still unable to upload your file, contact us using the Customer Help Portal
11.5 Validation success
Once you have removed any errors and re-uploaded your file, select ‘Save and continue’. You will then be able to agree to the declarations and submit your claim.