National park authorities: Assessment of benefits: Working paper
The aim of this work is to improve the economic and social research evidence base relating to the English National Park Authorities (NPAs).
The aim of this work is to improve the economic and social research evidence base relating to the English National Park Authorities (NPAs).
The aim of this work was to improve the economic and social research evidence base relating to the English NPAs and provide evidence to help address the following four key questions:
- What are the broad economic, social and environmental benefits associated with NPAs? (section 6)
- What is the added value of NPAs including examination of the costs associated with the NPAs statutory duties and the public benefits provided by NPAs (section 7)
- To what extent does NPA spending reflect Defra/Government priorities and is there any evidence to highlight key areas for reprioritisation to deliver more cost effectively or to achieve enhanced levels of benefits in the future (sections 8)
- Are there any longer term opportunities for alternative funding possibilities for NPAs e.g. payments for ecosystem services, bed tax, entrance fees, source of credits in biodiversity offset banking scheme etc (section 9)
Please note, this is a very large document.