Statutory guidance

National tariff explanatory notes: maternity services

Published 17 December 2013

Applies to England

The following notes aim to clarify what is included in the maternity pathway payment system in 2014/15.

Fetal medicine

National tariff annex 4A (table 4A-15 on pages 80 to 83) states that fetal medicine is included in the maternity pathway tariff. Further down the table, it is stated that all activity commissioned by NHS England is excluded from the pathway tariff.

To clarify, although fetal medicine is a specialised service commissioned by NHS England (that is NHS England specify the service to be provided), funding for fetal medicine is indeed covered by the maternity pathway tariff.

Newborn hearing screening

The cost of the newborn hearing screening programme is included in the maternity pathway payment in 2014/15. NHS England have published guidance for providers and commissioners. This document describes how these services will be funded.

Early pregnancy units

Whether early pregnancy unit activity is included in the maternity pathway payment for 2014/15 depends on how it is coded. The codes that are included in the pathway are set out in the national tariff annex 4a (table 4A-15).

Early pregnancy attendance activity normally has a treatment function code (TFC) 502. This activity is excluded from the pathway unless there are associated procedures that correctly group to an NZ healthcare resource group (HRG).

HIV antenatal screening

HIV antenatal screening is included in the antenatal pathway. All relevant screening that is part of the national screening programme, which includes infectious diseases screening, is part of the maternity pathway payment system.

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